Hi, My name is M. T. Belly

"I want to go from being an Empty Belly to being a Mt. Belly!"

My interests are:


Becoming extremely obese.

The description of my page is:


A young man dedicated
to being force fed and
getting extremely, hugely obese.


The description of me is:


Young man, early thirties, tall, told he's good looking, and not fat, YET. I have brown hair and hazel eyes. Like computers, Sci-Fi, writing, and movies while I still fit the seats (popcorn with extra "butter" and other snacks required).

I am seeking a woman to FULL-FILL my life long desire to be a huge, immobile mass of a man. To be force fed and cared for when I am too fat to move. I have no limit on how fat I want to get, but I'd like to be able to gain at last 100 lbs. a year for the rest of my life. I am willing and anxious to try extreme measures to gain more and faster.

If you are a woman, age/race not important, who would like to take this attractive, intelligent, humorous man to the point of collapsing under his own gigantic mass then please say Hi and e-mail me at mtbelly@geocities.com.

I'm just waiting to get started!


Places you may find me at:


Bulge Chat

This is the chat room for the Bulge site.

Stuffed Chat

This is the chat room for the Stuffed site.


IRC on Dalnet


IRC on Dalnet




Netscape AOL Instant Messanger


Check out my other site at <http://www.sexa.com/MakeMeFatter/>

E-mail me at mtbelly@geocities.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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