UnOfficial Fan Club of The Barrio Boyzz


Hi, my name is Amy and I am the president (and pretty much the only staff member of The UnOfficial Fan Club of The Barrio Boyzz. This was originally going to be a website dedicated to The Barrio Boyzz, but I changed my mind and decided to keep this as a information site for my fan club. I am planning on making a Barrio Boyzz website but in a little while when I have more time to learn about making one. That way I can make it as good as possible (with WebTv anyway). Sorry that there are no pictures or anything like that. I would post some, but I don't have a scanner. I know all of you will understand. Well I hope you enjoy visiting this website and that you will decide to join my fan club.

There are two parts to my fan club. There is the "regular" fan club and the "online" fan club. The "regular" fan club has a registration fee but the online fan club is free. To learn more about my fan clubs please click on the links below or you can e-mail me.


dark_bullet Fan Club Info

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E-mail me!!!


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