<BGSOUND SRC="/lovemelee_2000/outside2.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hi,  I am 24 years old. I am 5'5, I have brown hair and blue eyes. 

LOVE SUCKS!!!!!!!!    I have tried a few times at it, and I keep getting hurt. It is going to take someone very special to capture my heart.
LeeAnna  (LoveMeLee) Angelic Likwid  PerfectAngel  Mommy^VL^   Sexy^VL^
I have 4 sisters, they are all older than I.   Its not so bad being the baby and getting spoiled.  I Love you all.  
My best friend Rachel since 3rd Grade, she moved to Texas on me.  I miss you babe.  Love Ya!!!
My hobbies and interests include attending my Karate classes, walks on the beach, cuddling, writing, reading, shopping, dancing, watching movies, just about anything really.  It doesn't take much to keep me happy.
This is Rachel!
My Piercings
My Tattoos
    .......letterz....*hrt*......i can add...........
    ...*ea*...2 get a..*heart*..or a..*u*.......
    .......and get..*hurt*..but i'd rather........
    .........choose.*u*..and get.*hurt*.........
    .............than have a..*heart*...............
    ................ without..*u*......................
    ....................<3 · <3..........................
To all my  ^VL^ clan members: Lets kick some ass boys!!

The nipple rings are no longer available!!!
This is my Angel!
and no ^VL^ does not mean I am part of the vice lords..
As I look into your eyes
I see all the reasons why
my life's worth a thousand skies
You're the simpliest love I've known
and the purest one I'll own...
Know you'll never be alone
Baby, you are the reason I could fly
and because of you I dont have to wonder why.
There's just no more getting by
Your the reason I feel so alive......