Tony's Poetry Corner

                                         On the Open Seas

Seashore sails whipping in the gentle breeze.
How they relax the eyes with their delicate sway.
The reflective mirror of the rolling water,
water that sooths in its hypnotizing way.

Salty sprays licking and laping,
giving that distinctive smell of the open sea.
The boats slow rocking, back and forth,
reminescent of a cradle embracing a newborn baby.

Open blue skies dotted with patches of white,
like those fishing days, just dad and me.
The wind caressing myface and combing through my hair.
This must be how God intended life to be.

                                  Another Rule of Thumb

Tomorrow has passed,
today is upon us.
Yet it too spins quickly away.

What did we learn?
What did we accomplish?
We took it for granted,
and now it is lost.

So many lost and left behind.
Time just slips by,
like sand through our fingers.
Lifes importance left in abandon,
traded for the manotany of the world.

Why do we do it?
How do we stop?
Ride the carousel of indecision.
Take chances and accept your prize.
Live for life.

Strive not for satisfaction,
but for perfection.
Do not settle for perfection,
and you will find acceptance.
Cast away the shackles of burdon,
so you may run torward your goals.