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Dear Mariachers and friends of Mariachers,
Let me briefly introduce myself and then explain how this family history narrative came into being.
My name is Donald Allen Mariacher, born in 1945 at Sharon, Pennsylvania. I was raised in Greenville, Pennsylvania, a town near the Ohio border, approximately the midpoint between Pittsburgh and Erie. During childhood, I learned only a few details from an aunt and grandmother about my great-grandparents coming from Austria to settle in Pardoe, Pennsylvania. Pardoe is about 15 miles from my hometown. Some descendants of the original Pardoe settlers continued to live in and around that area. Because our family didn't maintain ties with them, I was never taken there. My aunt believed that other Mariachers remained in Austria, and perhaps elsewhere in Europe. She hoped that one day I would find our more about our family history.
From early childhood, I realized the Mariacher name was uncommon and, for most who tried, very difficult to pronounce. I often wondered how it originated and if our pronunciation was indeed correct.
My father described a W.W.II experience when he discovered a shoe store with the Mariacher name over the entrance somewhere in Austria. At the time, he wasn't able to stop and talk to the owners and later was unable to remember the exact location. He hoped that one day I might find it.
In 1986, my genealogical interest was stimulated by receiving a listing of 74 Mariacher households, scattered over fourteen states and two Canadian provinces. With great excitement, I sent a letter to all of the Mariacher households, asking for whatever family history they had. The responses were pleasantly surprising. Most were quick to respond, expressing great enthusiasm for my efforts. They offered whatever family history they knew. Some sent stories they had been told by their parents, grandparents, and other relatives. A few offered immigration documents and photos. I synthesized this information into a fourteen page family history narrative which was then sent to all the original correspondents and, later, to newly discovered households of Mariacher women whose name changed when they married. What you are about to read is an update--21 years later--of that original history. Thanks to the Internet, some contemporary American and European Mariachers we have been able to add some interesting new information. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did collecting it!
Over the past ten years, David Mariacher from Phoenix, Arizona, and Otto Schwartz from Mason City, Iowa, have prepared detailed family trees. They used some of my original information and then did their own extensive research. They relied on birth/death certificates, naturalization papers, census records, church and cemetery documents, newspaper obituaries, and other historical documents. Their family tree is quite impressive.
It is interesting to note that, despite their keen interest in the Mariacher genealogy, neither Otto nor David are biological Mariachers. Otto, for example, married a Mariacher, Hilda Mariacher, the youngest daughter of Joseph "Sankey" Mariacher. David is the adopted son of George W. Mariacher of Phoenix. Both affectionately describe how their Mariacher research honors their proud family connections.
There are a variety of pronunciations for our name: "Mary-ache-er," "Mary-archer," "Mary-awker," "My-ark-er," and "My-ock-er." Each clan is certain their version is the correct one. A German language expert I once met in England insisted that "My-ark-er" was phonetically correct. He explained that the German influence--the abruptness and almost harsh sound quality--dictated this pronunciation. Still other Mariachers wonder if the influence of other European countries such as Italy and Switzerland might also account from some of the variations.
Several American Mariacher correspondents believe the pronunciation changed for some of relatives upon our arrival here. Was it possible that a tired Ellis Island official mispronounced our name and the Mariachers who heard it, adopted the mispronunciation, thinking this would help them fit in easier? Or was it that descendants, once living here, grew tired of mispronunciations of our name and finally came to accept the most common American mispronunciation? There are countless examples of foreign sounding names that were modified in their pronunciation (and spelling!) as an attempt to Americanize them.
According to a contemporary Mariacher, Walter Mariacher at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, the proper pronunciation is Ma-ri-ach-er. We have asked Walter to send a wav file, which upon receipt, we will add to this site. Birgit Mariacher from Innsbruck agrees with Walter.
To pronounce the name: this is very hard for you. I have been in the United States before 4 years, and I heard the funniest versions. M = as in My, A = as in America, R = as in Richard, I = as in India, A = as in America, CH = It is so difficult for you because in English you can not pronounce the " CH ", it is pronounced like " LOCH " in Scotland, or like the "j " in " junta " in Spanish, E = as in Espania, R =as in Richard.And finally, another contemporary Mariacher, Gabriella Mariacher from Italy, agrees,
The correct Austrian pronunciation is with the accent on the 'i' (short vowel), and 'ch' as in 'ache,' but in Italy we put the accent on the second 'a.'
Listen for
yourself and compare your pronunciation! If you need a free
player (PC), get
Recently Terry Mariacher had his DNA traced to our very first migration. Check out the results at Your Genetic Journey - The Genographic Project: <<
https://www3.nationalgeographic.com/genographic/_html/r048.htmlWalter Mariacher at the University of Innsbruck, Austria:
I have more information about the Mariachers, which is probably new for you. Most Mariachers came from Virgen, a village in East-Tyrol with about 2,000 inhabitants. Mariacher is mentioned here since 1770. Our name came from a small hamlet of Virgen, which was called Mariach, today it is called March. The valley of Virgen, called Virgental in central Virgen, was colonized by the Slavs, people from the South of Europe. The valley of Virgen is an east-west valley. Late in the 19th and early in the 20th century, many people left the village and emigrated to North-Tyrol, from there to the USA and to South America. The reason was the lack of jobs. Relatives of mine went to the States. (See live cam from Virgen.)
Today, we have approximately 400 households in Virgen, and about 25 of them have the name Mariacher. Also, many Mariachers from the Innsbruck phonebook come from this village. You can also find Mariachers in the Zillertal, which I mentioned before, and in Kitzbuehel--a world wide famous skiing area, both places are in Tyrol.Birgit Mariacher from Austria adds this:
Hello from an original Mariacher from Tyrol in Austria! My name is Birgit Mariacher and my father, Joseph Mariacher, was born in Virgen in the Virgen-valley, my grandfather was born in MARCH, where the name MARIACHER seems to come from. I actually live in Innsbruck, but many members of our family still live in the Virgen-Valley and also still in MARCH!From Birgit Mariacher in Austria, we have received these wonderful photos from "March" in Eastern Tirol, Austria.I received your homepage from a cousin, whose father lives with his family in Virgen. I have a "Stammbaum" ( I can't translate the word!) where you can see all your ancestors since 1580! If your ancestors, who emigrated to the United States, come from MARCH, you should find your grand-grand father there.
Birgit's Stammbaum: Hierouvmur March (Mariach) married Gertraud
1) Lorenz (b.8/4/1602)
2) Ursula (b.6/27/1605)
3) Dionysius (b.1608)
4) Niweiblich (b.1615)Dionysius married Barbara GreBle:1) Christian (b.7/10/1632)
2) Simon (b.11/9/1634, married Maria Rainer)
3) Barbara (b.2/10/1637)
4) Gertruol (b.11/2/1639)
5) Christoph (b.7/3/1643)
6) Maria (b.6/28/1645, married Christoph Wurnitsch))
7) Rosina (b.2/25/1649, married Johann Braudstaffer on 7/7/1687)
8) Margaretha (b.6/29/1653)
9) Christoph (b.3/15/1660, d.10/24/1697, married Anna Katharin Hebenstreit (Pflegerstochter)
10) Thomas (b.12/15/1663)
11) Johann (b.6/22/1669)Simon married Maria Rainer1) Margareth (b.5/7/1662)
2) Simon (b.7/11/1663, d.7/4/96, married Agnes Ruggeutha Lerod.Tslitter)
3) Maria (b.5/3/1666, married Peter Bstieler)
4) Barbara (b.9/16/1668, married Lorenz Berger)
5) Urbien (b.5/23/1672, d.6/22/1699 married Elisabeth Schwab)
6) Rupert (b.9/2/1676, d.2/27/1740, married Agathe Unterwurzacher)
7) Elizabeth (b.6/8/1681)Simon married Agnes Ruggeutha Lerod.Tslitter1) Urban ((b.5/15/1697, d.2/20/1776, married Anges Mariacher, 2/16/1722,
Maria Oberpichler)
2) Agnes (b.5/7/1700, married Melchior Bauernfeind 2/28/1720)
3) Gertruol (b.12/2/1704)Urban married Melchior Bauernfeind, then Maria Oberpichler1) Thomas (b.12/5/1717, married Helen Schmatzer on 2/15/1740)
2) Peter (b.4/15/1721, married Maria Beywrohr on 7/15/1748)
3) Franziska (b.3/9/1724, married Augustin Burger 2/19.1754)
4) Maximilian (b.610/6/1727, married Maria Resinger on 3/1/1764)
5) Michael (b.3/10/1731)
6) Maria (b.3/19/1734)Peter married Mria Beywrohr1) Maria (b.8/2/1750)
2) Josef (b.2/26/1752)
3) Johann (b.6/8/1754)
4) Johann (b.3/16/1756, married Margaret Leitner, 3/21/1784)
5) Sebastian (b.10/11/1757)
6) Augustin (b.8/24/1759)
7) Paul (b.6/23/1767)
8) Kuniqunol (b.2/16/1763)
9) Petronilla (b.3/10/1765)
10) Anna (b.9/5/1767)First I have to tell you some more about the Mariachers. The ending " er " means in old European languages " from there." So the people living in March were ( and they are still! ) the "Marchers" in Austrian language, which is a German dialect and is spoken here. From the "Marchers " originated over the centuries the "MarIAchers." So this is the background of our name.
People lived and still live in a very steep countryside. Live was very hard for them, mewing must been done by hand still! for example. But everybody loves the place where he is born, so the people in the Virgen valley love their region. And I have to say it is very romantic, very beautiful and very sunny. Though Virgen lies over 1200 Meters, many things grow there. There are many huge mountains around, over 3000 Meters and this gives the place a beautiful scenic. To your question: I think I have pictures of March, I'll think I can send them to you. In a few days, when I got time
We knew that Mariachers emigrated to the United States, but since now we never knew where to find them. It's nice to get known to so many relatives on the other side of the Atlantic!
So I hope that it is a little bit easier for you now. I work for the Austrian Broadcasting Company in Innsbruck as a Journalist, my father is Latin-teacher in Kufstein, which is also in Tyrol. Virgen
is 150 km away from Innsbruck, which is the capital city of this province in Austria. One thing I forgot: I was born in Innsbruck on the 22.9.1968, my father in Virgen on the 11.9.1940 and my grandfather in March(!) on the 30.5.1900, he died on the 25.2.1982.Many Greetings from all Mariachers I know! Birgit
On these photos you can see the original farm, where the Mariachers come from and where still live Mariachers. The left from the two buildings is the original and old one, where generations of Mariachers were born. (The one with the big building for the animals. ) The second one was build later. I also send you a photo from a little more far away, so you can see the Virgen-Valley and the huge mountains around it. Some are over 3000 Meter high. I hope you and your family is well an many Mariachers can see now the home of their ancestors! Birgit Mariacher
I have no relations to Mariachers (at least none found yet) but my father comes from the SE end of East-Tyrol, Kartitsch-Sillian, S of Virgen.
About the Mariacher name: The authoritative Tiroler Familiennamenkunde, by Karl Finsterwalder (1951(l) 1974(2) 1994 (3rd and current Edition) ) states also that the name comes from the Hamlet Mariach/Virgen (1777). But the name comes again from an appellative Mariach - from Maria (Mary) and a SIAVIC ending -ach (similar to Jesacher). Before being settled by Bavarians the area (in the name giving period) was settled by slavic Slovenians (Windische, Wenden), which mingled with the invading Bavarians. Compare the name of the main settlement (originally) Windisch-Matrei (=Matrei in Ostttirol). All this certainly precedes Maria-Theresia. If it is due directly to worship of St. Mary or some medieval person Mary remains open.Out of curiosity, I did check the New Dictionary of American Family Names by Elsdon C. Smith, the Dean of Onomatologists, and Mariacher is not listed. For those who like modern trivia, Mariacher is now the 70,360th most popular last name (surname) in the United States. (Source: Entisoft WebSite)
From Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia:
Austria has a rich political history, which includes many years of being one of the greatest European empires. Today, Austria is a democratic nation nestled in the center of Europe that is about the size of Maine. Population is around 7,000,000. The primary language is German. Roman Catholicism is the dominate religion
This section of Austria was pared down to its present size by the victors of W.W.I in 1919. (The adjoining Bolzano-Bozen area was ceded to Italy from Austria as a part of the price Italy asked for entering W.W.I on the Allied side.) The Austrian Tirol was reduced to a narrow strip of land, 40 to 100 miles wide at various points. It stretched west to Switzerland and to Liechtenstein, a very small principality. On the northern side, it bordered Germany and on the south, Italy.
Tirol is a tourist Mecca, world famous for its beautiful, fertile farmlands, surrounded by scenic mountains. The mountains have always challenged the best mountain climbers and skiers. Three Winter Olympics were hosted there--Cortina in 1956 and Innsbruck in 1964 and 1976.
See the maps below (courtesy of Microsoft) and note that Virgen is in the center of the first one and March is the center of the second.
While some Mariachers remained in the Tirol, others moved around Europe. In later sections, we will look at two of these areas where we find Mariacher family trees: the Italians and the French-Swiss trees. Later, we will follow the Mariachers who immigrated to America: the Pardoe branch, the Chicago branch, the Colorado branch, and finally the Canadian branch. We also will learn how the Canadian Mariachers first traveled to New Zealand.
A current check for Mariachers, using online international phone directories, lists 226 Mariacher households in Austria, 8 in France, 29 in Germany, 10 in Italy, 1 in Spain, and 13 in Switzerland. (The international phone search I used is free now, but may be fee-for-service soon!) In my research years ago, I found an old Liechtenstein directory with one Mariacher, a Roman Catholic nun. During a trip I took eight years ago, I found one Mariacher was listed in London, none in Budapest, Prague, or in Paris. Let me know if you find Mariachers in other cities/countries around the world, and I will add the your findings to this section.
An associate recently traveling on the Royal Viking Star reports the
ship's Chef was Franz Mariacher from Austria. Unfortunately, I was
unable to get specific family history from him. Recently I heard that
Franz is now be living in the New York City area.
Assuming that our early ancestors were mountain dwellers, it would follow that some were miners. Those who lived below in the valleys were probably cotton and vegetable farmers, sheep herders, and dairymen,. Others possibly were weavers and glassmakers.
A few Mariachers were shoemakers. Later I will talk about a Mariacher famous for his orthopedic shoes, but first note this contemporary Internet reference:
The modern era of rock climbing began in Northern Italy over a decade ago. Out of the La Sportiva factory came a purple and yellow high top shoe called the Mariacher. The soles were sticky and the fit was completely new. For the first time, a rock shoe had at last been designed exclusively for pocket stuffing and edging. For the first time, footwork felt a little more precise and climbers felt a little more secure. Existing routes became easier. New routes became possible. Since then, climbers and La Sportive have continued to redefine the possible. Our rock shoes now have the stickiest, best edging rubber available. Our last designs are more specialized, ergonomic and more powerful than ever. Not surprisingly, today's routes are harder, and climbers are more powerful than ever. One thing that hasn't changed however, is La Sportive's commitment to making the best possible shoes for climbers.A photograph of the Mariacher Climbing Shoe was included in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art exhibit of "Sports and Art" two years ago.
Photos of a new pair of the Mariacher climbing shoes. Many thanks
to Hillary
Davis, a new friend of the Mariacher family.
Like their original Austrian countrymen, some Mariachers were quite musical. We know of an Italian Mariacher, Michele Mariacher, who was a world famous tenor from Venice. Another Italian Mariacher, Antonio, began a famous piano-making company which later won awards for its quality pianos.
Several Mariacher men left home for adventure, including some mercenary fighting in foreign wars. One Mariacher moved to Johannesburg, South Africa, to fight in the Boer War (late 1890s.) He later became mayor of a town in New Zealand. Another Mariacher who was 6' 3" was chosen to be a personal bodyguard for Wilhem II, the last of the German Kaisers (1888-1918). Evidently, early Mariacher men tended to be tall--and from reports of Mariachers today, this continues to be true.
An Italian Mariacher, Bruno Mariacher, was a very successful banker during the 1920's and wrote four books on banking, including one that is remains today a valued reference on Swiss banking and can be found in many U.S. libraries.
Another Italian Mariacher, Giovanni, wrote four respected reference books on art, including one on Medieval glassware. Many libraries, especially those specializing in art history, have his books. He also wrote prefaces for a number of other art history books. (In the next section, I will give more details of the Italian Mariachers.)
In 1960 Boris Mariacher from Munich wrote Die prozessuale Gleichstellung des nichtehelichen Kinda, a book on legal/social alternative solutions to the problems created by illegitimate children in West Germany at that time.
A Canadian Mariacher rowed in the 1924 Paris Olympics and won a medal! There will be more information on this in the Canadian section.
Although difficult to see in the photo below, "A. Mariacher" is the bottom alternate, second from the right.
From our research, it seems Mariachers have been and continue to be quite procreative--good Roman Catholics with large families. Some divorce has been a part of our heritage--not such good Catholics after all! But not to worry, we know of several Mariachers who were nuns, both Italian. Another Italian Mariacher, Cristoforo, married the duchess Marina Querci Della Rovere, relative of Pope Giulio II (Giuliano della Rovere, pope from 1503-1512).
From information volunteered in response to my 1986 mailing, we seem to have a low rates of suicide, mental illness, and alcoholism/drug addiction. (But who talks openly of these things--even to newly discovered "cousins"?) Like their countrymen, Mariachers have always enjoyed their beer.
While Mariachers tend to be blessed with longevity, the men appear
to have
a high rate of cancer and the women a high rate of strokes. Many of us
an abnormal curve to our third toe which causes it to turn slightly
the big toe. "Crow's toe" is the slang name for this.
All information in this section was sent to me by Gabriella Mariacher and her niece, Alessia, based on research done by Gabriella's father, Giovanni Mariacher. It provides us with some interesting very early Mariacher history.
Information about our ancestors is not precise; however, we are able to find roots back to the 1700's in Virgen, a village near Lienz. Michele Mariacher married Elisabette Pacherin and they had two children: Giuseppe and Michele.
There is no information available about Giuseppe. However, we know that Michele, born in Virgen in 1776, married Anna Maria Baldauf, daughter of Guiseppe Baldauf. The couple moved to Italy and settled in Venice, where they started a piano-making business. Michele died on July 31, 1858, at the age of 82! They had four sons: Antonio, Rosina, Cristoforo, and Maria.
Antonio (Venice, 7/31/1827-1905, died at 78 years old!) He married Teresa Vedovado (1825-1911, died at 86 years old!) Antonio managed the piano works founded by his father. During this time, Mariacher pianos won two medals: one of gold (I882), the other of silver (Tourin, l884). Antonio and Teresa had five sons:.
Adele born in Venice, unmarried
Vittoria born in 1862
Arpalice born in 1866
Elena born in Venice, 1859 and died in 1905, married Girolamo Piva. No
Michele born in Venice in 1864 and died 12/19/33.
More details on Michele Mariacher: He is very important in our family history as he was a very famous tenor throughout the world. He worked with his father, Antonio, in piano-making until 1898, when the works stopped. He was engaged by the most famous music label in Italy, RICORDI. Michele became "commendatore" (an honorific title in Italy). (We have a lot of notes about Michele--his contract with Ricordi, newspaper articles, a copy of a playbill that was posted in Padua when he played the "Asreal" on 6/3/1895. My grandpa made a list of all his concerts as Michele traveled from Italy to Brazil, from Russia to Portugal and Spain.)
He married Alice Martinelli (1865-1910) in 1868, but they had no sons. (The family of his wife Alice Martinelli is important because one of her nephews married a son of Giovanni.) During the trip from America to Europe after one of Michele's concerts, Alice fell sick with pneumonia and died shortly thereafter. Michele became the lover of a married woman (her married name was Canal). She was a chorister in the Venetian theatre "La Fenice." Michele was a great "Maecenas," and when he died he left a large amount of money for young music students. The rest of his properties was for his lover. He had two country houses, the biggest one was confiscated during W.W.II and the other still exists as "Villa Mariacher" although now it is a permanent-waving furniture exposition.
Now, back to the next child of Michele and Anna Maria Baldauf:
Rosina (Venice) married Francesco Grando and they had no sons.
Cristoforo (Venice, 2/11/1825 to 3/13/01) was a teacher. He wrote science articles for newspapers. He married the duchess Marina Querci Della Rovere, relative of Pope Giulio II (Giuliano della Rovere, pope from 1503-1512). Cristoforo and Marina had nine children:
Michele died in Lodi (Lombardy).
Marianna died in Lodi.
Bortolo born and died in Venice.
Luigia born in Venice in 1857 an died in Lodi in 1876, unmarried.
Carolina born in Milan on 2/11/1863 and died in Venice 3/?/1892, a
piano teacher.
Alessandro born in Codogno, Milan in 1868 and died in Lodi in 1874.
Giuseppa born in Milan on 12/19/1864 and died in Venice, date unknown. Married cousin Giulio Paoletti on 10/14/1908, the son of Maria and Giuseppe Osvaldo.
Vittorio born in Dolo, Venice, on 4/16/1861 and died in Venice on 4/5/1945. He married Matilde Forti (7/2/1855 to 8/7/1939, Como). They had one son, Vittorino, stillborn in Jesolo, Venice, in 1886.
Giovanni (We will come back to Giovanni shortly.)
Maria (Venice, 5/5/1825 to 1/10/1898) married for the second time to Giuseppe Osvaldo Paoletti (Belluno, 3/19/1817 to 8/22/1895). They had twelve sons, all of whom were musicians: the only names we can find are Pietro and Giulio. Giulio, as mentioned earlier, married Giuseppa, daughter of his aunt and uncle, Cristoforo and Marina.
Giovanni, son of Cristoforo and Marina, was born in Venice on 7/22/1853 and died in Venice on 6/7/1908. He married Virginia De Lorenzi (She was born in Vinigo, Venetia, on 10/9/1850; date of her death unknown. Her parents were Antonio De Lorenzia and Maria Maddalena Pivirotto Vecchio.) They had five sons:
Marino--no birth/death/marriage information available.
Antonio born in Jesolo on 1/17/1881 and died in Verona on 10/10/1902
Marino I, born in Jesolo in 1882 and died in 1884
Virgilio born in Prato on 12/30/1884 and died during 1/1885 (twin with
Marino II)
Marino II born in Prato on 12/30/1884 and died in Venice in 1957 (twin with Virgilio). Marino II married Maria Anna Rigotti (Verona, 9/25/1877, and died in Bolzano on 12/31/1920). Had two sons: Gabriele and Giovanni.
Gabriele born 4/30/14 and died in Verona on 6/23/1915
Giovanni born in Perugia on 9/28/1912 and died in Padua on 1/7/1994. (Giovanni is the Mariacher who provided this research. He was also a well-known, respected art historian and author of a number of art history books (Italian Blown Glass; If the Shoe Fits, 1500 Sculpture; Renaissance's Bronzes.) In Venice, he directed the Correr Museum Belle Arti. Giovanni played the piano and also was a painter. He married Antonietta Boggi (Como, 9/5/1920) and they had two daughters:Gabriella was born in Venice on 9/27/1950 and she has one son, Alessandro, born in Padua on 9/7/1979.
Anna was born in Venice on 4/21/1945. Her daughter Alessia, (one of the persons responsible for getting this section together!) was born in Padua on 3/18/1981.
In 1922, Marino II married for a second time to Maria Arnoldo (born in 1886 and died in 1973). Maria Arnoldo was the niece of Alica Martinelli (tenor Michele's wife) and they had two daughters: Margherita and Bianca.
Bianca born in Milan on 1/11/1924, became a nun with the name Maria Pia and lives in Rome today.
Margherita born in Milan on 9/30/1927 and also a nun with the name Maria Noemi. She lives in Tourin today.
Eric Mariacher, a software and hardware engineer from France, has provided information on the French/Swiss connection. His grandfather, Raphael and his brother, Paul, were born in Virgen, Austria. Raphael spent time in Switzerland and then moved to Paris where he married and had 4 children: Monique, Philippe (b. 1938), Gerard, and Jean-Paul. Monique has 4 children: Herve, Sophia, Beatric, and Laurence. Phillipe has 3 children: Eric (b. 1965), Carine, and Anne France. Gerard has no children. Jean-Paul has 4: Jerome, Guillaume, Vincent, and Florence.
Eric is married to Ester and they have 2 boys: Pierre and Ulysse. They now live in the south of France near Nice.
A 1/1/2000 message from Eric Mariacher:
Happy New Millennium! A short story of my grandfather is available in English for the next millennium! http://www.multimania.com/mariacr /raphaeleng.html
Les Francais http://www.multimania.com/mariacr/raphaelfr.html
We also plan with my father to contact the Swiss Mariachers so they can give us more family history about my great-uncle Paul.
On 12/10/00, we heard from Stefan Mariacher with information on Paul
Mariacher's family:
I visited your homepage by chance, while trying to find in information on Mariacher on the internet. I read the French branch of the family-tree and has this information to add.My grand grandfather was Raphael Mariacher, and my grandfather was Paul Mariacher, who lived more then 10 years in London and, in 1920, returned to Switzerland. He had a office to sell carpets. In 1922, he married and my father, Bruno Mariacher, born. My father was editor of Artemis Verlag und Verlag für Architektur at Zurich, but retired more then 10 years. He has a brother and a sister, Paul and Susi. My father is still in touch with his cousin, Philipp, in France, who lives close to Paris. I have two sisters: an older one, named Christa, and a younger one, named Judith. I'm in the middle. One of my sisters has a daughter, and the other one has three children--two boys and a daughter. I'm married and have one daughter. If you are interested in more details, please let my know. From one more Mariacher, from Switzerland - at the moment in Boston for one week - greetings! Stefan Mariacher
It would be safe to assume that Mariachers left Austria or other places in Europe to come to America for economic opportunity, similar to what millions of others did during the late 1800s and early 1900s. How could the resist they dreams of unlimited prosperity in the "new world?"
Our research traces at least four groups of Mariachers who immigrated to America. Identified by where they settled, they are the Pardoe, Chicago, Colorado, and Canadian branches. No family connections have been established amongst the branches; however, we are certain that all are related, albeit somewhat distantly.
Very recently, the Ellis Island website has put all passenger information online within a searchable database for the above immigration period. Here are the results so far of what we found of Mariacher's coming to America. We have not been able to connect those passengers to the four branches, but at the bottom the below table will summarize some ideas.
Arrival Date |
5/11/1892 | Sebastian | M | 37 Male | Austrian | Tyrol, Austria | Noordland | Antwerp | ? |
12/29/1893 | Magaretha | M to Edward Dausch |
35 Female | Austrian | Austria | Veedam | Rotterdam | ? |
12/4/1902 | Johann | M | 40 Male | Austrian | Austria | Zeeland | Antwerp | ? |
7/4/1908 | Dominikus | S | 30 Male | Austrian/German | Firgen, Austria | La Touraine | Le Havre | Chicago? |
8/1/1908 | Maria | M to Dominikus? | 35 Female | Austrian/German | Virgen, Austria | La Savoie | Le Harvre | Chicago? |
9/26/1908 | Viktor | S | 34 Male | Austrian/Slovenian | Laiback, Austria | Argentina | Triest | Chicago? |
3/29/1910 | Johann | S | 25 Male | Austria/German | Virgen, Austria | Chicago | Le Havre | ? |
6/10/1910 | Anton | S | 17 Male | Austrian/German | Zillerthal, Austria | Pennsylvania | Hamburg | Chicago? |
1/17/1913 | Leopold | M | 30 Male | Austrian/German | Wecic, Austria | Philadelphia | Southampton | ? |
1/17/1913 | Leopoldina | M to Leopold | 28 Female | Austrian/German | Wecic, Austria | Philadelphia | Southampton | ? |
5/9/1913 | Johann | S | 25 Male | Austrian/German | Fergen, Austria | Patricia | Hamburg | ? |
11/4/1921 | Victor | M | 48 Male | Chicago USA | Rotterdam | Rotterdam | Chicago? | |
11/4/1921 | Lutzi | M to Victor? | 44 Female | Chicago USA | Rotterdam | Rotterdam | Chicago? | |
10/25/1922 | Alois | M | 31 Male | Austrian/Crotian | Virgen, Austria | Bayern | Hamburg | Canadian |
11/1/1923 | Johann | M | 28 Male | Austrian/German | Duisberg, Germ | Albert Ballin | Hamburg | ? |
Now that you had read about our history, enjoy these...
In my e-mails over the last few years, I have heard from:
The greatparents from Anna, Ida, Hansjörg and Adolf were called Valentin and Maria Mariacher. I hope, that I could help you. I also hope, that you can understand my English, because it is not very good. I am better in Italian and French.
- Mariacher Anna (*12.01.1933)- my grandmother who has two children: Lydia (*06.05.1962) and Andrea Mariacher (*22.01.1957). I am the daughter from Lydia. I was born in July the 13. 1984. My grandmother has never married.
- Ida Mariacher - 4 children: Berger Maria, Hansjörg Mariacher,Waltraud Mariacher, Bernhard Mariacher. 9 grandchildren. They all are still living in Virgen. Her man is Cölestin Mariacher.
- Hansjörg Mariacher: He lives in Lienz. That's the capital of East Tyrol. He has 4 children ( Barbara Mariacher, who lives in Budapest, Thomas Mariacher, Hansjörg Mariacher and Ursula Mariacher).Hansjörg Mariacher is married with Paula. They have 4 grandchildren .
- Adolf Mariacher - 3 children: Roland Mariacher, he lives in Switzerland, Herbert Mariacher and Norbert Mariacher. They all are living in Leisach, a village near Lienz. Adolfs wife is called Johanna.I don't know, how many grandchildren they have.
Meanwhile, I hope you've enjoyed learning some of the Mariacher history.
Don Mariacher
P.S. Please help me identify the people in several unidentified photos. Go to: unknown photos. Also, I am trying to get more information on Antone (Anthony?)Mariacher. The only reference I have is from the Washoe County, Nevada, Draft which lists him with 1 May 1877 birthdate. Finally, I am interested in learning more about Joseph Mariacher who died at age 50 in 1932 and was buried in the Yankton County, Utica Township, South Dakota, State Hospital Cemetery.
Changes last made on 5 jan 09 at 10:22.05