Hiya! I'm Karen!
Welcome to my Homepage!
I absolutely loved
the first 4 times and I plan to see it again and again and again and.......*VBS*
Well let me tell you a little bit
about myself....
Im a full-time mom now, for the first time in years, and loving every minute of it *S*.
OK...how about the stuff I like doing, but don't have time for?? Well Let me tell you...I love walking, Line Dancing, Titan Super Circuit, CHAT and walking on the beach! And the stuff I like doing, and find time for, like going to the park with kids, reading, baking, listening to music
Mariah Carey
Human Nature
Tina Arena
Boys II Men
Elton John
Billy Joel
Cold Chisel
Celine Dion
Amy Sky
Bon Jovi
Bryan Adams
60's, 70's, 80's
I could go on...and on...and on...
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