Welcome One and all to the ever improving (finally) Realm of T. As your web misteress I shall take you into the depths of this oh so deary place in hopes that you find it comfortable and welcoming, and ofcourse worthy of your time and patience. For some of you regulars you wil notice that I've finally updated thanks to a lull in schoolwork and maybe because I'm almost giving up on it *sigh* At anyrate please enjoy and do tell what you think of my 'improvements' and if you dont like it then visit the links and get the hell outta here ;)
Feel free to do what you like in this page (except erase my scrall wall. grrr), also if you would like a link to your page from my links section either write me,The fantastic T. Also I'll be updating you on whats been updated so watch here: * Guess What?!? I've updated, somewhat that is. I've joined a new web ring and I think you should all check it out and join yourselves. Its located at the bottom of this page. Enjoy! Updated Febuary 2198(Ofcourse just for you Glenn)