~ ~Jenni's Home Page~ ~


Hi I'm Jennifer!
I haven't had much time to work on this page, so please, bear with me.

My interests are:
Music, shopping, swimming, reading, chatting, and lots of other things you will learn about later.

I have teen loop also. It is pretty cool and a GREAT way to meet new people on the web. If you would like to join it, e-mail

© 1997 JOIN

I have lots of friends that I want you to know about. Click below to find out about 'em !!
My Friends

I am trying to put a little bit of everything I like on this page. I don't know how the fusion will go, but I hope it comes out OK.

For all of you Titanic lovers, I have a Titanic page. Check it out if you want. It changes (hopefully for the better) all the time so keep coming back for more pics and links.

Are You Ready To Go Back To Titanic?

Ok, need more Leo? Check out my Romeo and Juliet page.

Romeo, Oh, Romeo...

I do like to write and poetry is my favorite. So if you just like reading it, or have some of your own you would like to submit, this is the place for you!

My Poetry Page

Ok, we all know that building a homepage can really be tough. I am no expert, but I know a little about it.

Help me!

Email me (using the link below) if you have any comments or suggestions.

Please come back soon and visit me. Maybe it won't be so chaotic then!!

Titanic: The Love Story
TV Music
Teen Magazine Online
Contests and More
Misheard Lyrics
Romeo + Juliet: Star Cross'd Lovers
Home Improvement's Jonathan Taylor Thomas

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© 1997 lillylamb@aol.com

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