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So, you have found my homepage (actually, I like that!). Well, what now? After weeks of under construction, I finally put enough stuff in here to create a nice chaos. Just have fun browsing around, find the picture gallery, find some cartoons, some animated gifs etc. When finished and you are a bit lost on what this site is about, it has done what it is designed to do, give some distraction. Anything new here, sure, check bulgy eyes and find the fun page with cartoon. Oh yeah, there are no deadlinks on this page.
I like the EVILINSIDE-page with Viagra pill info (Take your time though). Well, I'll keep working on these pages and maybe, before the millenium bug scr*ws up my homepage, it adds up to something. Happy browsing dudes
(and dudettes?).![]()
So, want to know about me? pen pall links Chat friends totally private photogallery Looking for fun? Oh, dear, it sais it all! HERE Click here for pics And if you want to send me positive feedback, maybe even compliments and other stuff I crave for just click the guestbook!
And if urgent matters arise, need counceling or so, just mail me
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