Hello, Aloha, Bonjour, HI, YO everyone! Yes, this page is FINALLY updated! Read Index 2 to find out why it took so freaking long (there is an explanation!). Wow, school is almost starting (or maybe even has for some people!). I am starting September 8th :P Cool luck this year everyone, and remember: brains are beautiful! Also, I got back from meeting the Moffatts (who are super, super, super, nice, especially Dave!) and their concert, which totally rocked! For more info, e-mail me or leave your e-mail address and request for more info in my guestbook. Khat, you rock cuz you like 'em (and you signed my guestbook)! Also the following people RULE for signing my guestbook: Missy (luv ya babe!), Ashley, Kelly, Ashley T, Jess, Becca, Becky, Jacinta, Hamish (by the way, I haven't been able to get ahold of him...I think he moved!?!? Contact me bud!), Hailey, Amanda G, Iceybabe (e-mail some time girlie!), Chantelle,Kim a.k.a Timmy, Frenchie (luv ya! *bighugz*),Angel,Princess Leia and anyone I forgot or who signed the guestbook before it got deleted the first time :) Please everyone SIGN IT IF YOU HAVEN'T, I'll luv ya forever! I always luv e-pals and comments on my story, so write to me at: lilly_wilson@hotmail.com OR moffattchick@hotmail.com
Also, everyone who signs my guestbook, I will sign yours, I PROMISE! it might take awhile though :o) Unless of course the addy doesn't work.
Luv ya'll!