. . . bienvenido . . . bienvenue . . . wilkommen . . . benvenuto . . . boa vinda . . .

... welcome ...


... to my humble slice of cyberspace ...

. .   .  
i'm a soon-to-be-famous-
lame-webpage filmmaker.
i live in the people's
republic of south beach
... the mecca of style ...
>> new <<
>> julian in flags <<
and in prague
... a luscious eye-confection of a city.
last summer i
my first live-action
film in prague
it's an irreverent short comedy
it's still in post-production
.   dr_jkl@yahoo.com .
. . .

look deep into my eyes


Paris, April 2001


big Julian

JuJu as a super saiyan Trunks, Halloween 2000

my other girl g.g.
(g.g. is now the teen mom of 4 beautiful kittens)

after making foam
may 20, 2000

with my Grandpa and my munchkin, Christmas 1998

set photos

julian in flags
(put mouse on flag if you don't know where it's from)
i'm czech american
i was born in naha, okinawa, japan .
then lived in chejudo, south korea .
and in manila, philippines for just a little while
then moved to chicago de bears
i lived the longest in ukarumpa, papua new guinea (1979 - 1984)
and with a quick stop in brisbane, australia .
and in huntington beach (l.a.), california .
moved to waxhaw, north carolina .
spent a summer working in linz, austria do you like my sexy lederhosen, baby?
then was an exchange student in langenfeld, germany .
a year later i went to university of california, berkeley de other bears
took a school break in durham, north carolina .
3 years ago i moved to miami .
specifically to south beach south beach

facts at a glance
age on the young and foolish side of 80
(just so i don't have to update this for a while)
height/weight a bunch of centimeters and less than a dozen stone
measurements 40-29-37 (Oooooh, la, la!)
mental fortitude has loads of useless trivia in his head which sometimes is mistaken for knowledge,
lots of irrelevant experiences that he tries to disguise as wisdom,
and a complete inability to put it all together or apply it in a meaningful way.
In other words ... brilliant!
creativity what gets him into and out of trouble,
makes him tick, and sputter, and moan
tastes remarkable tastes in visual design, music and food ...
but pathetic tastes in web page layout and content selection.

letters of adoration can be sent to julian.

hate-mail can be sent here.

this page was created march 18, 1998

you are person number

with nothing better to do ;o)

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