Lisa's Loft

Lisa's Loft

The place where dreams come true

Hey peoples! And welcome to my page...A brief summary---This page is about me. So, if you think that's gonna suck, then leave now and you won't fall asleep.
Thanx for stopping by again and again, and for those new visitors who are crying into their Diet Pepsi's from lack of attention...I loves ya'll very much and I really do appreciate you're traffic, so please come back soon.

For a little introduction before ya proceed with the rest of the page...I'm a little 16 year old blonde girl who loves to laugh and is very very...hmm...what's the word???...giddy...yeah, giddy, all the time.
Most people have trouble adjusting to the personality that I'm proud of and which sets me apart from every other average teenage girl. Except for a few very open-minded people:Shaun, my honey, Candi, my bestest buddie, Change, Candi's man, Keri, my very close-dear buddie, and a bunch of guys like: Ryan, Paul, Moe, Hickle, Riley, Kary, Todd, Omar, Doyl, Anthony, Tom, and C.J. If I forgot any body...yell at me!.

~Candi and I~

Believe me, this homepage is constantly under construction so come back and check up on it once and awhile.

Links to other sites on the Web

The Greatest Best Friends' Homepage
My Best Friend-Candi's Page
My Brother-Dave's Palace
Lincoln's Alaskan Page---It's really cool!
The Box

~My Stuff~
Picture Gallery
My Interests My Poems
My Dreams Our Tribe

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