Hey there, lonesome traveler. You may be an old friend who remembered this URL and thought to check if any changes occured. Or, maybe you stumbled in on this here site fresh from traveling that long information superhighway. Well, anyway you slice it, here you are, and I'll bet you're hungry. Go ahead, reach into that fridge there and make yourself a sandwich. Sure, I don't care if you use that colby cheese. Mustard's in the door. There's a few Cokes left on the bottom shelf. There you go. Say, I was thinking about updating this site with some movie news and reviews. It wouldn't be much, but it would be just a little place out there to call our own. We don't have to rock the boat or tke on the system or anything, and I surely don't want anyone getting hurt. I just want to have a little fun with ya'll. What do you say? Drop me a line at petejohnst@hotmail.com, or go ahead and just tell me what you think the next time I see you. Sounds great, friend. Hope to talk to you real soon. Until then, keep yer stick on the ice.
You know what's a crying shame, I don't think I've ever gotten an e-mail from someone visiting the website!
A new issue of the zine has come forth!
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