Welcome to the Homepage of

Craig T. Patterson

Thanks for stopping by this page to check it out. This page is a constant work in progress and will be under construction for as long as I can imagine. It's just a hobby, and therefore subject to whether or not I have free time. I would apologize for the mess, but hey, it's my page. Ciao for now.

Our daughter, Molly Ann Patterson, arrived at 7:29 PM on July 13th, 2003. Lynh and I have taken several hundred pictures of her, and I'll try to post some of them that can be viewed by going HERE

Christmas 2004!


The very best place to purchase a computer at a reasonable price

The House of Representatives Home Page

Glacier National Park - One of my favorite places
Yellowstone National Park - Another one of my favorite places
Looking for information from a U.S. agency or department? Click me!
Bill Search

Arizona and Tucson Links

Sahuaro High School - This link may or may not work. They are always working on it, so keep checking.
University of Arizona, my alma mater
The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
The Arizona Daily Star Online
City of Tucson website

© 1997 Patterwho@mchsi.com

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