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Article Vault Photo Album Guestbook Older Sites Wish Upon A Star.. Peace Movement A Tribute to War Dogs Coming up.. Original Sim Skins Original Wallpapers More photographs & articles! Flash Games/Shows Last Updated: 16th Oct 2005 |
Hi, all! About two months have passed quickly and now you are looking at another update by the webmistress who has became an employed fresh graduate. Yup, finally I've found a job. So now I have had both the experience of a pressurized, depressed and upset unemployed person, as well as a busy (perhaps) whining working person. Anyway, just got another quote from myself today. This quote seems a little depressing, but that is reality: --Myself Take care, guys & gals. Life is not just a bed of roses. But it can be full of sunshine as long as you have the positive mind. :) Cheers, Patricia ;) Hello, everyone! About seven months have passed quickly and now you are looking at an update by the webmistress who has became an unemployed graduate. Nonetheless that is not important. What is important is a quote I have gotten here for anyone who happens to drop by and catch my latest update: --Michael Jordan May all people out there have a wonderful Summer.. Stay as cheerful as the Summer sun!Cheers, Patricia ;) Hi, everyone! Glad that my exams are over (it was a long ordeal for me), although exams weren't going very well T_T. Anyway, as I was looking through some Magic Cards, I saw this quote from the card 'Blood of the Martyr' which is very interesting: --Unknown And before I forget, let me wish one and all an early Merry X'mas!!!Cheers, Patricia ;) Hi, all! here's another quote of the day from me! Hope it will be insightful or be inspiring to you in one way or another! :) --myself But one word of caution: Don't do it at the expense of others though.Think about it carefully and do make good use of my gift for you!! ![]() Cheers, Patricia ;) *Note: The kaos used on this site belongs to other rightful creators whom are credited in this site. Once I have gotten the list of owners, I will put them up on this site. Hi, everyone! Been really busy lately with schoolwork. So I wasn't able to add any updates all these while. So here's a not-so-impressive-but-is-some-kind-of-quote-anyway quote of the day from me: --myself Cheers,Patricia ;) Hi, everyone! Been really busy lately with a vacation job and random acts of helping out at school. So I wasn't able to add any updates all these while. Anyway, I just happened to come by a really lame site today. So I shall introduce it to you too. http://www.something.com In case you are back here shortly after clicking on the above link, here's another site that may get you to explore a little longer.. http://www.thefreesite.com Enjoy, Patricia ;) Active advocator of Ultimate Lameness Hi, everyone! How's life? Just happen to have another quote of the day. Hope is it inspiring/helpful to anyone who happen to appreciate it. --myself Afterall, problems are not as omnimous as we have perceived them to be.Enjoy, Patricia ;) Hi!! I'm back!! ^_^ ![]() ![]() One thing probably you can learn from drawing pixel art is that "Every small step can have a great influence. One small water droplet can create a spreading ripple on water." . In pixel art, every small change can have a very significant effect. Cheers and Have a Nice Day,Patricia Woh~! Exams are over!!! ^_^ ![]() ![]() Ideas have come to my mind faster than I can convert them into reality.. So all you see is just the same old interface most of the time :P. Currently I'm working on pixel art. Just learning on it, though. Anyway hope that in time to come I can produce a much more interesting new interface for ya ;) Cheers, Patricia ![]() Here's another quote that comes to my mind.. Anyone out there interested in drawing some accompanying graphics to make it into a meaningful wallpaper or card? --myself Cheers and Have a Nice Day, Patricia Just a quote that comes to my mind.. --myself. Cheers and Have a Nice Day, Patricia The TV Serial²ݡhas come to an end. I think one of the things we can learn from the serial is faith and belief in oneself. Just like the favourite saying of the main character-- "Breathe every breath with effort, and miracles will appear." Sorry for the poor translation, but think about it and share with me how you feel! ;) Cheers, Patricia If you like watching the recently broadcasted TV serial ²ݡand liked its song, you can get the lyrics here. If you like lavender or wish to get other lyrics of the serial, do visit this cute chinese website! :) http://www.bhes.tpc.edu.tw/~s91123/ Enjoy!! ![]() Cheers, Patricia Articles! Articles! ![]() Currently this is the first unedited version I have. I've gotten the idea, typed it out and published this within one night. So, please bear with me for any bad grammar and boring content! But, anyway, I do hope to hear your comments! :) Enjoy!! ^_^ Cheers, Patricia Hi! I'm back again! Some time ago, I had dropped by an interesting website with fun stuff such as tag boards and notepads. Here's one I've got and it's for your use (although I have no idea how it can be useful to you ![]() Have Fun and Enjoy!! ![]() Cheers, Patricia Hi all! Yeah... u never know when the webmistress lurking behind will pounce and add more to this site. ![]() Meanwhile, pls take a look at my new photo album here: My First Photo Album. I'll be fixing the broken links and will update them as soon as possible. And you'll get a peek at the new layout I'm working on! ;) Cheers, Patricia Hi Everybody~! It was long time before I had made last update. Indeed, I am now trying hard to study hard for coming 'A' Level Exams. Recently, my passion for recreating my homepage was rekindled by a schoolmate. In time to come, I will have more exciting things to come during the December holidays and at the moment, I had just created a Page of Wishing Stars. IE Users Please Click here Netscape Users Please Click here for midi "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" Click here for midi "When you wish upon a star I" Click here for midi "When you wish upon a star II" All the Best and may all your wishes comes true! :) Regards, Patricia Hi all~! I had added a new guestbook to my homepage (which I should have done long, long ago) for you people to add your comments, suggestions etc. All visitors please take a look and don't forget to leave your name, inscribing "I was here". Regards, Patricia :) Hey guys! This is me back again....continuing to add on to my homepage. Currently I had expanded from my e-Dogs Adoption Centre into a Peace Movement Page (Don't worry, you can still find the adoption centre easily.) Be sure to take a look at the New Section, with some new stuff. Thanks for your support! ![]() Regards, Patricia Hi guys! Here I am back, getting progressively more busy with college stuff. But a touching video inspired me to create an e-Dog Adoption Centre for all, for the aim to promote awareness of the brave War Dogs who were great loyal friends to the handlers in the Vietnam War. Please click here to find out more, or simply to take a look at my dogs for adoption, ![]() Regards, Patricia ![]() Regards, Patricia It has been a long long time before the I realised that this page had gathered a lot of dust after years of neglect. Thus, this page is currently under going a facelift to make it more pleasant for you to view. So dun moan okay? This is for you..... Therefore, do look out for a totally fresh look, fresh content of the oncoming ![]() ...Coming up next is my very own Blue Moon Pub--an online pub with drinks, food and fun & a place of entertainment for you and your friends! Why not come on in for a chat? Just type in any chatroom name and see under the chartoom list for a more interesting one. ![]() **Any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email me |
![]() ![]() Miss Humor! Want to join the The SouthBeach Web Ring |
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