I stand at a ledge over the sea
I'm ready to release myself and be free
I look out into the black sky
I spread my wings and begin to fly

"Queen of Darkness" by ME
(song not in lyricpage yet)

18/9 -99 (web-cam)

First of all...ALL dates in here are DD/MM/YY...(European version)...

29/9 -97 The date I opened this crappy homepage
Last entry: 30/8 -07

(7 / 8 -05: Redid the main page & "Me, Myself & I", added a few new songs that I've written and recorded Spring of '05)
(9 / 8 -05: Finally managed to get some of my song links to work again...*sigh*...)
(21/ 8 -05: Added a link to my other HP & Songs page)
(23/ 8 -05: Updated "All my MUSIC" and "Concert" page, it is 99% done)
(13/ 9 -05: Updated "All my MUSIC" & "Concert" once again, 99% done)
(17/ 9 -05: Updated "Concert" page, now 100% done & Index-page & "Won/Lis&Stu"-page)
(5 /10 -05): Added Sonic Youth Setlist (1/8 -02) in Concertpage
(19/12 -05): Updated "All my MUSIC"
(14/ 1 -06): Updated "All my MUSIC"...999 CD's...
(3 / 5 -06): Updated "All my MUSIC"...1038 CD's...
(4 / 9 -06): Updated "All my MUSIC"...1087 CD's...and "Cool Links" page...
(2 /10 -06): Updated "All my MUSIC"...1099 CD's...and 102 LP's...and "Concert" page...
(26/10 -06): Updated "All my MUSIC"...1110 CD's...
(30/ 8 -07): Updated "All my MUSIC"...1176 CD's..."Me, Myself & I" Updated...

(There will be some minor/major updates on several locations in my HP in the next few days/weeks/months/years/decades/whenever, just becuz I can)

You may know me as Aneurysm, I took the name from a cool Nirvana song called "Aneurysm"...You may find it on Incesticide or Hormoaning or Muddy Banks (as a live-version)...

So this is my very FIRST (but not last) HP...So far this page suck's, (it'll always suck, but I'm pleased with the shit, so...)
You will find some info about me and my life...
You'll also find all my ORIGINAL LP/CD/VIDEO-collection (I like music...alot, you'll understand soon what I mean)
You may find some awesome pics of me and maybe some friends...
You'll find my OWN songs/lyrics here too...

It's been quite a life I had so far...got married, moved to the states, Dallas, Texas June 3:rd of 2001...got back home June 21:st 2005...
I got married to CINNAMON GIRL, who I met online in HCU (Hawaii Chat Universe) back in Summer of '97...
We met IRL December 31:st 1999, and things happened...
We got married on Friday the 13:th October of 2000...all black...
Well, sometimes things doesn't turn out the way you want to and we decided to separate late '04...

Now I'm back in Sweden since Summer '05...and, I'm ready for a new life with whatever that brings along...I'm trying to reconnect with some old net-friends though, but, it seems like they've got a life nowadays as well...so, I've been looking for new friends on the net, and, I've been fortunate to find some cool peeps online...and even meeting them...maybe there's a new net-romance coming along in the near future for me...haha...yeah, whatever...

And now over to something completely else...

** = last updated page...or cleaned up page

Me, Myself & I

Info about me and my life...


Awseome crappy pics in here...*L*...


Here´s some netfriends I´ve met in the net...

**ALL my Music**

Here you may find ALL my ORIGINAL CD's and LP's and Videos I´ve collected through my life...NOT FOR SALE though


All the concerts I´ve been to since '85...

My Lyrics/Songs

My lyrics/songs I´ve wrote since 21/8 -94...

My Wave Files

My Wave-files of ME playing guitar...*L*...


Here's my OTHER HP with MORE songs by me that I've done...

**Cool Links**

Some awesome links I've found in the net...

Cool rockgroups from Finland

Some of Finlands best rockin' bands...

Wonderings/Lists and Stuff

And here´s a page that I´m thinking about to delete...*L*...

My Geocities counter got up to 4650 until I changed it,
and, then suddenly, this shitty counter stopped working as well,
I had at least around 5500-6000 visitors all in all before everything got f**ked up again



Here's my NEW Guestbook, old one got f**ked up

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...and, here's the OLD shitty GB that was f**ked up for quite a while, works now though...

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