>> Welcome To The Official Page Of InF Cipher <<

>> InTrOdUcTiOn <<
Hey people. I'm back finally thank god!!! Sorry for the long layaway I know it's been a while. Some people have been stumbling in here and saying what the F***... Well for those who could my name is Cipher and I am the man that did this web site. Sorry it took long to redecorate this motherF***** but hey better late than never right. Well as you know I will be posting a new Poem section so stop by there once that is done and you could all enjoy. And once again hopes and prayers to those fighting for freedom and even though you don't support the war. Please support the soldiers that they come home safe to their families. May god bless America.

>> Chec My InFo OuT <<
If you want to learn more about yours truly and stop by the links that are labeled so... Nothing much has change from there except some stuff and some new stuff were added. This is also were I will put the new rhyming poets section for you poets out there. If you want to bust out with a rhyme send me an email with your poem and I would gladly put it up for everyone to see.

!! ClAsSiFiEd !!

>> My ThAnK yOu'S <<

:> My Favorite Links :>
Hey partna' jus' chillen and bored got nuthin else to do?! Then stop by some of these sites. They are pretty dupe and are fully loaded with madd stuff. Here is the lowdown on some of the sites. On asian avenue you can become a memba' jus' like me and make a cool page for yourself and also a great way for meeting other asians. Not an asian but love cars then check out goodroads. This is one loaded web site you can customized any car that are available plus you can even check the prices on them fat machines. You building your own page. You gotta have a banner yo and the best place to get one is right there in flamingtext.com Full of stuff, fully loaded. Drop bye again soon and you'll see more stuff from yours truly!!!

:: Asian Avenue ::

:: Flaming Text ::

:: Yahoo!! ::

:: AbsolutePremes Pix ::

:: !!Goodroads!! ::

:: Weather Underground ::

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