Big Swinging Dick's Web Site
Brandi Chastain is excited to kick and pitch (AP photos)
Hey Now!
I'm Richard, but you can call me Dick. I'm doing this homepage stuff because I don't do much else. Also, I might be able to meet some interesting people (women, take the hint!) and make some money on the side. See my FAQs to find out what else I do. But I will tell you here that I'm called Big Swinging Dick because I hit some long home runs in softball. I've read some books before because they made us in school, but there's one I like a lot called One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The main character is a prisoner trying to fake out the system by acting like he's crazy, so he gets put into an insane asylum, and when the doctors ask why he's there, well, go read it. That's what I do a lot of, too.
Check this righteous stuff out:
FAQs -- all the important questions that I can think of
Fat Abbott says -- what it says, from South Park
Pictures -- see what I look like
1999 U.S. Women's World Cup soccer champions -- Check out what I think about these babes' talents
Beach babes -- salute women who push the boundaries
Favorite links -- they may not be your cup of beer, but they're entertaining
I admit there isn't much here right now. But this is my hobby whenever I stay at home so I'll be adding more. If you don't have a single other thing to do, write me at
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