Thank You for visiting NicksPlace. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at: Please tell me what you think of my page or read what others think of my page at: Sign Guestbook or View Guestbook . Come back every week to see all the changes happening here at NicksPlace.

I am Nick: Come Check Me Out!


Sunday, June 24, 2001
I got a new job...I'm movin' out...And free for the summer! Oh Yeah, and the ARMY is still a bunch of B.S. Check it all out here at:"Nick's News".

Nick's True Love
Sunday, June 24, 2001
Nick's Love Life is a little slow right now. Even though he met a beautiful girl, he still is on the lookout for a long lasting girl friend. Hear all about it here at: "Nick's True Love".

Nick's Friends
Sunday, June 24, 2001
I don't have much time to work on my page so most of my friends are not up yet. But I am workng hard and adding more every day. I feel so bad. Check out my friends here at:"Nick's Friends".

Nick's Place Photos
Sunday, June 24, 2001
"!NEW!" A whole bunch of pictures have been added. Lots of me, some of friends, and lots of the Army. And if your picture isn't up there yet, send me a picture. I promise I'll put it up. They are all here at:"Nick's Photos".

Nick's Laws
Sunday, June 24, 2001
Life needs a rule book. But everyone that tries to write one, is just doing it for the money. I solved that problem by writing 123 rules to live by. A lot of them you should be able to relate to and others you wont. And before you criticize, check out law #104. You can view them all for free at:"Nick's Laws".

Poetry Speaks
Sunday, June 24, 2001
THE PEN HAS MOVED AND MORE HAS BEEN ADDED...Poetry is a form of expression. A way to express the way you feel. Everyone has poetry in the heart, but only few can write it down. I have and they are all here at:"Poetry Speaks".

Army Stuff
Sunday, June 24, 2001
"!NEW!"This is the place to show you my Army pictures and the place for me to tell you my Army thoughts. The Army has changed a lot in the past 10 years and I will try to show you what it is like now. Hope you enjoy all the kewl Army stuff here at:"Army Stuff".


Guests Requests:

Guests Love Stories
Sunday, June 24, 2001
"!NEW!"Do you have a love storie that you tell to all your friends? Would you like to post it up at NicksPlace so it can touch every one elses heart? Here is your chance to do just that. This is the place to post your most heart warming love storie. Or you can read what others have shared. It is all here at:"Guests Love Stories".

Guests Best Jokes
Sunday, June 24, 2001
"!NEW!"I don't know about you, but sometimes over here life gets pretty boring and sometimes depressing. I always look forward to someone telling me a good joke they have heard recently. So if you have heard a good joke recently that deserves a mentioning, send it to me and I will post it right away. All the laughs you need are here at:"Guests Best Jokes".


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Loyal Fans since June 24, 2001!


* I am Nick * Nick's News * Nick's True Love *
* Nick's Friends * Nick's Photos * Nick's Laws * Poetry Speaks *
* Guests Love Stories * Guests Best Jokes * Army Stuff *
* Sign Guestbook * View Guestbook *