Welcome to Miss Thang's Advice Column
Dear Miss Thang,

I have recently received numorous ammounts of ICQ and e-mail messages that tell me to foward them. So of course I send them because I don't want my ICQ account deleted  and I really want my wish to come true! But everytime I send them around... people start yelling at me saying that I'm so stupid and gullable and that none of that stuff is true and that I should only send the ones that are worth sending. How can I decide which ones to send?

Thanks for the help,
Too Gullable
Oakville, ON
Dear Too Gullable,

HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID? Like come on. Do you really think that if you dont send that message that the world will come to an end or your computer will be melted down to nothing more than a heap of silicon?
No. ICQ will not start charging you if you don't pass that message on. No. ICQ will not automatically update you to some new unheard of version if you pass that message on. Actually. It CAN'T UPDATE YOU TO ANYTHING BY SENDING IT. No. ICQ cannot delete you if don't pass that message on. No. Your wish will not come true if you pass the message or e-mail on to 70000000000000 people in 2 seconds. No. You won't die in 24 hours if you dont pass it on. No. You won't be recorded as being gay if you don't pass the message on. No. you computer won't recieve a virus and your hard drive won't be wiped out if you don't pass it on. No. God won't strike you with a bolt of lightening if you don't pass that on. No. Nobody's going to come after you if you dont pass it on. No. The mob isn't going to hunt you down and kill you if you don't pass that on. No. Nothing is happening with Mirabilis so you don't have to pass that on. ETC.

Here's some advice:
Check to see if there's any proof of this being true. Try going to the URL and see for yourself if it is true or not and if there is no URL... then obviously it's NOT true.

If you  have any brains at all you would know what messages to pass and what ones just to hit close and delete with.
So. Next time you receive some STUPID forward... I hope you don't contibute to the most annoyingest problem on the web.
Use that thing called a brain which you were born with and do us all a favour and just STOP.
And if you ever have the urge to start a new rumor or just to pass one on... DON'T!

Visit this site and read through it thoroughly:

                         Hope you learned something,
                                                         Miss Thang
Featured Dilemma:
How to tell whether or not you should forward that message.
This forum is for those of you who cannot decide when a foward is true and is worth forwarding or not. This goes for ICQ, e-mail, AOL and hell... even gosip!
Let's see if we can fill this: