Aloha and Welcome to Keoki's Homepage!!

          Welcome family and Friends!!! In case you couldn't tell this is one of my first attempts at a decent homepage. As you can tell, I don't quite have the hang of this HTML stuff. I know that this page is kind of lame looking...

But, I'm picking it up as I go. So don't hammer on me too hard for how cheezy it looks.

Like they say, "line upon line and precept upon precept.”

          Well, I'm kind of revamping this website. It started off as a general website for everything. But now I realize the amount of space that I have to work with. So, since the pictures that I've uploaded have killed so much space I will be dedicating this website to my mission. Now, I warn you this is not a serious website of my mission. Don’t get me wrong I worked very hard on my mission. But, this page is more on the lighter side. It shows a few of my favorite pictures and tells a few comments and/or stories of who is in the picture. These are all people that have come to mean a lot to me in the 2 years that I spent on the east coast.

          Please keep in mind that each page has a picture on it, so it will take a moment or two for each page to load up. So please take your time, enjoy the pictures, and read the explanations. I figured that by creating this website I would be able to show all of my friends and families pictures of places I've been and people I've met in Jersey. Hopefully the stories will bring a smile to your face too:)

Friends 1
Friends 2
Friends 3
Friends 4
Philly 1
Philly 2
Goodbye 1
Future Plans

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