About me...
So what do you all want to know about me?  Well i guess you can say that i am cool chick to get to know.  I like to do pretty much do anything possible in life.  I am a smart person that loves to meet new people and party hard.  I believe that you live one life and you need to live it to the fullest.  I am born and raised in HAWAII on da island of Oahu.  I graduated Mililani High.  I just moved to San Diego and got a solid job making choke money!  I met the man of my dreams and we have been with each other for 2 years now.  He makes me really happy and i think that i found the one i want to be with. Anyways though here are a few stats on dis ISLAND CHICKA!!
carrie leah kealohalani c.   

02/10 (aquarius)

honoulu, hawaii

22 years old



marital status
long term realationship

current occupation

favorite color

favorite food
anything that taste good...i not picky

favorite drink
rum & coke or Alize, da new drink Hypnotic!!

surfing, beach, shopping, cruizing, parties, da pakalolo,turtles, people that have goals in life, EXCEL and of course my man Chris!!

haters, hoocies, hoes, wanna-be playas, work, people with no life and no sense of direction, rules and BILLS!!

recent plans
living here in San Diego, just chilling and collecting checks.  making dat money dat everyone wants and livin' da lifestyle...if you wanna know how to make a extra $2000 a month just email me and maybe you can do what i do!! Anyways though just bought a condo in da nicest parts of Diego and its 5 minutes from da beach.  Also i am going to be traveling soon with my man and can't wait for that!

old kine pics
da hommies
high sku pics
more chicks
My boyfriend and me
more pics of me
da braddahs
club pics
more cars
wanna make $
recent pics