Numbr 1 D3sir3's Online Polls...Read and then tell me your answer so I can add you to the results~!!!

Poll for GUYS: Would you rather lose two fingers on each hand, or have your penis be half the size it is now?

RESULTS:Fingers-8   Penis-11

Poll for GIRLS: Would you rather have boobs hanging so low that you could tie them in a knot, or butt cheeks so flat and flabby that they made slapping sounds against the back of your thighs whenever u moved?

RESULTS:Boobs-0   Butt Cheeks-1

Poll for EVERYONE: Would you rather have a footlong eyelash permanently, or an earlobe the size of a baseball?

RESULTS:Eyelash-5   Earlobe-3

Poll for EVERYONE: Would you rather slide down a 15 foot razor blade into a vat of alcohol, or suck all the snot out of a dogs nose until it's head caves in?

RESULTS:Razor-2   Dogs head-5

Poll for EVERYONE:Would you rather be mechanically forced to scream at the top of your lungs for an hour or have your eyes glued shut for a day?

RESULTS:Scream-0   Eyes Shut-3

Poll for EVERYONE: Would you rather have needles for arm hair or have urine squirt out of your ears everytime you said the word "the"?

RESULTS:Needle Arm Hair-3   Urine From Ears-1