My Family:
I would have pics of my parents here but mom had a hissy fit when she saw the pics I scanned so of them have to wait until we find "better" ones
....whenever that will be...
Well, since I don't have pics of my parents,
the next two people I need to mention are my brothers, Rob & Jeff.
This pic is old but I love it...
it was taken at Wanamaker's (when it was still Wanamaker's in Phila) in 1988.
For more pics of Rob, Jeff and me
My page would NOT be complete if I did not mention best friend
She just got married on August 22, 1998.
She now lives in Germany with Fred (her husband) who is in the Army
To Dianna's Homepage.
I should also mention Leanne. She is Dianna's "lil sis,"
My brother Jeff's ex-girlfriend, and a sweetheart.
See for yourself. Leanne's Homepage.
There used to be a HUGE collage of pics here of my friends here, but it took up too much space and took too long to load, so now it is a lot of the same pics (minus a know what ones if you knew my page) with a bunch of new ones added...and don't feel bad if your pics not here...---My Friends and random other people
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