Welcome to my first homepage ever


Hey there.....=0) What up??

Welcome to my first homepage ever...
I have no idea of what I`m doin` here, so don`t expect much.....
Well.....I guess a little info about myself is a good thing to have here, since after all it`s my page...=0) I am a 20 year old Norwegian girl, called Hege. I was born on fathersday an early morning on November 13, 1977.
My first happy 12 years of my life I spent in a place called Mosterhamn, located on a little island on the westcoast of Norway, called Bømlo.
When I was 4 years old, I got a little brother, called Jack Marius, who most of the time was a pain in the ass, but who actually grew into a great 16-year old boy, with a GREAT musictalent and voice...."Keep it up, bro....I have faith in u......I`m proud of ya.....=0)"
When I was 10, my parents divorced, which resulted in, at an age of 12, moving with my mum and my younger brother, to a place north of Bergen, called Fonnes. There I spent the next 8 years of my life..My mum remarried, and I got another brother, called Anders..=0)
Here I also met the girl who became my bestfriend in the whole world....The one and only Lisa Maria Stueland...."Thanx 4 always being there 4 me, boo......T.C.B.I.C.V.M.A.Y.M.F. W.Y.A.T.H.I.T.W......Miss U......Love ya lots.....=0)"
After graduation, I really wasn`t ready to start working, so I decided to go away for a year. I got a job as an au-pair in Boston, cuz I`d always wanted to see America, and this was the cheapest way to do it...Which is where I am right now....Luckily for me, I ended up in a great Norwegian family, where I take care of 3 adorable kids....
I`m having the time of my life....and I`ve got lots of, lots of great experiences to take with me back home....
Right now my family are moving back to Bømlo, so that`s where I`m gonna go when I get back in July...There I`m gonna spend some quality-time with my family and friends, before I might go back to the United States to study for 4 years......
My interests are to hang out with friends, PARTY, dance, draw, listen to music (mostly hip hop, rap and R&B....music I can dance to....LUV to dance...but also smooth jams....I`m a hopeless dreamer...)
shortly......Pretty much everything that`s fun....=0) I like having fun......
Well.....that was some information about me that I guess u wouldn`t die not knowing......=0)

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Nearly 200 different chatrooms....
Ever tried icq?? No??? Then this is the time....
My friend Marcus` homepage...

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