Dan's Land

Hi.  I finally updated my web page.  I have more stuff on here.  New stuff and old.  I hope to be updating this more often.  I should be able to get the time.  I am interested in just about everything there is. ( some things more than others)  If you know any good web sites please let me know.  I like web sites about Sci-Fi stuff and also Television.

I am big time into UFOs and the Paranormal.  I have been to Roswell, New Mexico.  I have done a lot of research on the UFO crashes and stuff.  I have tons and tons of information.  If you know any web sites about UFOs and stuff let me know.  (there are some good links on my link page)

You are here. 

Do you ever wonder if there is a heaven?  I believe we go somewhere.
My idea of heaven is pictured below.  Like the picture?  I took it all                                    by myself.

Please visit and sign my guest book.

Email: Yodathejedimaster@excite.com
Email 2: Superdan@semol.com
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