Welcome to Septi-Verse 3.0++: With frames
and ShockWave Flash, the crankiest just got even crankier.
Updated 12-30-2000
News- 1-11-2002 Sweet Zombie Jesus! It's been a year since I updated the Septi-Verse! For everyone who thinks that I've just been loafing around for a year avoiding working on anything, you are so wrong. In the last year I completed my first game, Malapa's Challenge, I've also started two new games: Malapa 2 and a secret project that should be done in less than a month. (I hope.)
I plan on putting more work into the Septi-Verse this year; I have big plans for the evolution of this site into something bigger than it is now.
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Visit the banner page. Portions of this page were created
with Flash. If you don't have it, join the party!
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