Hey everyone!! Look here!! I recieve my first award for this page and I'm sooo excited about it!! Thanks to
Da Backstreet Boyz!It's a really great webpage so check it out!!
Hey!! This is where I let you know about me! First off, my name is Sarah and I live in Michigan. If you ever need to contact me faster than email just put me on your AOL Buddy List as Carter128 and IM me whenever I'm on, ok?! Good. Let's see, some other music groups I like besides BSB are: *N Sync, No Authority (I met them Sunday!), Hanson, 5ive, 98º, Aaron Carter. I don't really have a favorite BSBoy because they are all great!! By the way...all the things I have to say about the things I updated with be right below the address for Brian.
If you want to send money to B-Rok's Endowment here's the address...Brian Littrell Endowment
St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation
P.O. Box 8490
Lexington, KY 40533
*note*Be sure to make checks payable to: St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation
Links to other sites on the Web
The Offical BSB Webpage
Bonkers 4 B-Rok!
You Got It *N Sync--(My *N Sync page)
No Authority Hotel--(My N/A page)
Here is some of the stuff I am planning to put on the page. If you would like to see anything else, email me and we'll try to put it on!
My friend Variety14 made me my banner and can make anything else for your webpage! Email her by clicking her name and ask her for help on your page!
Hey everyone!! This is our new pet...Mr. Fender Bender!! He's a fluff! If you want a fluff for your webpage click this funky lookin address next to Mr. Fender Bender. If I should refer to "Mr. Fender Bender" throughout my page (besides in Nick's info!) I am most likely referring to this Mr. Fender Bender, not Nick!! hehe...tell me what you think of your new pet!!
<img src="fluffad.gif" border=0>
© 1997 carter128@hotmail.com