From the deep dark depths of what might be considered a soul

Rise thoughts,fears,desires and passion black and dense as coal

What is it in me that causes me to think and or behave this way

Why do I find malintent,dishonesty and unintentional meaning in what others say

From where comes the misunderstanding,confusion,jealousy and suspicion

And why does this horrible and tearing pain in the center of my being make me react with such an exaggerated exhibition

I don't know what it is that has its grip on me

All that I do know is that I yearn to be free

What can help me

From where will it come

Meds from some shrink or heaven of above

Mabe I've just never really known true love


Sittin in the hospital lookin at my mom

Country Music Television on the TV

Thinkin about the girl I love

wonderin if she ever thinks about me

Life just keeps on gettin harder

I hope my kids will be smarter

Than to spend their lives fallin in and out of love

Chasin after dreams

And thinkin up schemes

But life is rough workin everyday

All the sweat you pour

And the tears you shed

Just to wind up alone in a hospital bed


If true individuality is the key to success,happiness and acceptance

Why is it that only those that are following the crowd have the appearance of happiness and not those who take a stance

What is more important to stand up for what you believe in and be proud

Or to make compromises in order to be accepted by the in-crowd

Is it possible to do both or is that a myth

Only if you remain true to who you are and watch who you hang with


I've spent quite a few years on this earth

The longer I've lived the less my net worth

Of all the lessons I've been taught and lessons I've learned

The most important is the experience about the truth of bridges burned

Once the tie is broken call it the end

Go check out what is around the bend

Once the bridge is burned there is no going back

Might as well forget it you will never keep track

Nothing in life will ever be free

Listen well believe you me

They might not want money or time

But once the dice you choose to roll

Be very careful they may want your soul

Beware of friends who hide their past

It is very likely their friendship will not last

Lessons lived and lessons learned

But never forget the leson of Bridges Burned


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