(note: page looks best full screen- torches should be on either side of yellow line, not above and below it.)

Welcome to my Humble Abode

The 14th March Earthday Diablo (no, not diablo or diablo 2 soundtrack)

This is a twisted little song about cats and such...not dirty...its funny though. its about a meg, so it'll take 5-15 minutes depending on how fast that thing in front of you is.

E-mail me people! tell me what you think! come on, I love mail!!!

© 1999 rougeiq@aol.com

some of my poetry

My Friends page!
these are pics of my friends

ADELLE LOVES CHEESE!! and crazy other stories
This is Adelle's web page. its cool. theres a picture of Adelle on my pic page, and theres plenty more at her site. enjoy! oh yeah, and I stole that kitty icon up above from her page.

the wonderful world of dan
This is Dan's lovely page, hope you like, it has more pics of various people.

My GAMES page This page has links to games for all systems and PC. kinda small right now, I'll be working on it.

The bestest coolest winter game around!
This game is really cool. Its a flash game, which means no big download. Your a little kid all bundled up, in a snowball fight against the evil red team. gota try it out!

Check these out!!!
Some pics of the vipers competing in this years Viper Days. I love vipers... ::drool::

The offical Metallica site.

The VR-Mall I got some of my animated gifs from here- its got a lot of them.