AHHHHHHH summer vacation is finally here! This school year flew by! Well, as of right now I have 2 1/2 months left before my little one arrives. Cory and I are very excited. I plan on spending the summer getting the nursery ready, finishing up my Masters in mid-July, and just relaxing. Cory and I just got back from DC. We had a lot of fun out there, but it was too HOT for me! I will be missing the 1st 2 months of school, and when I get back I will be teaching 2nd grade next year. Finally, I am getting to teach the grade I have always wanted too! But I did love 1st grade this year ALOT! I had a great class! Hey, email me if you are bored! Because I probably am too!
Me driving Cory's new truck. I honestly have to say it's nice for a Ford!
I hope you like my homepage, thanks for visiting it. And don't forget to sign my guestbook!! *S*
PICTURES OF CORY AND RHONDA!! (check this out)
WEDDING PICTURES!! (check em' out)
Okay guys, listen up. This link will take you to a yahoo photo album. Once you get there you want to click on "WEDDING" and then it will take you to another page. Then click on "SHOW ALL" and then you can either click on which pictures you would like to see bigger, or by clicking on slideshow will go through all 118 pictures like a slideshow (you can select slow, normal, or fast speed)... it's up to you! I apologize if it takes a long time to load.
DUSTY and ERNIE! (our puppies)
This is the BEST Rainbow Brite website ever. If you ever liked Rainbow Brite you should visit this site. Plus if you love coloring like myself here is a great link! Both websites have great coloring sheets!