Matt is engaged, for almost forever now, to a beautiful and smart lady named Keshia.
They presented us with a grandson on May 9, 2000!! These are pictures of Zach at 10 months!!
Isn't he absolutely gorgeous!!!!!
What a grin! Matt, Keshia, and Zach Grandpa and Grandma with Zach Bill, my husband, is a custom cabinet builder. He does beautiful work, here is a of pic of the cherry cabinets he built and installed in a 6,000 sq.ft. home in the Tennessee Mountains: I Am A Proud Member Of: He is my protector and shoelaces are not safe around him!! He keeps us quite busy!! Poncho, my attack puppy
Please check out some of the links below:
We live very close to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I am currently taking a course in drawing.
Phenomenal Women Of The Web
We have one male dog. Poncho is an almost 5 year old chocolate and white Chihuahua.
Our first experiences being online were in 1991 while we were stationed in Puerto Rico. We bought a computer to do our school work on and it came with Prodigy. We were hooked!! The only drawback was that there was no local access number and calling Miami from Puerto Rico was very, very expensive!! We started chatting in The Chathouse in 1996 and have made it into a time-consuming hobby!! Actually, it is more like an obsession!!!! We have met some of the nicest people here and some we have even met RT!
THE place to chat!!
I also like looking for interesting and 'different' pages on the web. You know how somebody always asks, "Remember so-and-so, the lady that played on that show?? Didn't she die??" Well, check here and you may find your answer........
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