If you want to have an intelligent chat, or cybersex, you may find me on the infamous "America OnLine's Instant Messenger" (better known as AOLIM). My Screen Name (SN for you jargon junkies) is
Please, E-Mail me, I have no friends.
It's been so long since I've heard from any of you. To make up for it, everyone that signs my guestbook this month will receive a prostitute, absolutely free of charge. Sign The Jester's Census.
Eh, reading this is not quite as bad as being shot with a potato. View the Jester's Census.
As it happens, that unholy bastard, Namyak, has gone too far. Apparently, he insulted the laws of time and space to the point where they became upset with him and he fell off the face of the planet. Therefore, there is no longer a need for you to visit his page. VICTORY IS MINE!
And so, let the party begin!
Still has no winners. Why havn't you applied? Stroll past
The Jester's Award
A special edition. "Why am I so Different" by me. Check out
The Balcony
For your own first hand account about the mysteries of the universe, check out
Nothing About Everything, Ever
Need to laugh at a little sadistic prop humor? Fly by the
The Game Room
If you want to see a show, live, visit
The Autotorium
Some added little tid-bits for you all.
37 Euphamisms for sex
Just what you need for the "after-party party".
The Ultimate Spam-Mail Questionnare>
Another annoyance for you to hit your friends with.
The Glass Question
We finally discover whether it's half full, or half empty.
The Jester's Final Thought
Fear not, my brethren. More material is on the way. I would never screw you, my public, out of the comic genius which you so graciously deserve, and which only a fool such as myself can supply. Visit often, and peace out.