<BGSOUND SRC="/mistelyn/xscape.WAV" LOOP=INFINITE>
Misty's Homepage
Hi my name is Misty.  I am originally from Athena, Oregon.   I  graduated from WMHS in 1998. I recently graduated from college at BYU-Hawaii (June '03).  I majored in Elementary Education with a minor in Spanish.  I am currently teaching 5th grade here in Hawaii.  I am enjoying my job so far.  It takes a lot of my time, but it is definitely worth it.  I was so happy to be able to get a job teaching right away.
I have a family  of six, which includes my parents, two sisters, a brother (see his photos in the page I made for him below), and myself. My family recently moved to Gig Harbor, WA.
If you would like to contact me, please e-mail me at
Mistelyn@yahoo.com. Aloha!
Family pics Hawaii pictures
College Photos Fall Ball 2001
Fall Ball 2000
More college photos
Freshman year (college) photos
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