Dear friend,
wow, it's been a while. long time no see!! so much has happened with radiohead. so why come here when you can go somewhere else more exciting like here? or here?I recommend this site strongly. My site is complete complete crap, i don't work on it often. so sorry. so lets re-cap, what's been going on? lets see... "Meeting People is Easy" came out, The band played Amnesty, Thom and Jonny played TFC in Amsterdam, Thom took part in the G8 summit in Cologne Germany for the Jubilee 2000 Campaign, The band are making some music for a british television show, Phil + his wife had a baby boy, and Colin got hitched in June! Congrats to all!! don't worry friends, i'll start updating when the new album comes out, which is god knows how long! but i still love you thom, phil, ed, colin + jonny, TO DEATH!!!
-the girl who made this -August 1999