peachy_92's page

Just because I have my own domain, doesn't mean I can put something here. There comes a day when we all have to move on. I have reached that day. My personal site will no longer be hosted on my Geocities site. I have enjoyed my 3+ years here at Geocities. But when I can no longer use my images for services hosted on other sites that are only complementing my sites, it's time to move on.

So I found other uses for this site. Instructionals and other bandwidth hogs! Sometimes, explanations with just words are harder then an explanation with a diagram or two. They are here so I don't have to go through the pain of thumping my desk to help someone.

The Hostage Page - for those that won't let the Richard board be taken over by filth.

The Cheeta Chat Page - for my friends to learn to use (and love) Cheeta Chat.

The Winzip Page - to use Winzip. Also how to open those files containing Yahoo Themes.

The Yahoo! Theme Page - to extract Yahoo! Themes in .exe format & to designate Yahoo! Themes.

The Vocab Page - vocabulary and terms I use on this site.

The Saving Page - Screen shots to show how to save a file.

The Subfolders Page - Screen shots to show how to create a new folder.

The Aladdin Expander Page - to use Aladdin Expander. - my personal, PAID, domain. When Geocities stop offsite linking of photos, I decided to move. I was faithful to Geocites after the stupid watermark and used services to only complement my site, not to abuse my disk space. I see that Yahoo! has decided to ruin the spirit of Geocities and now has a paid service similar to mine. But you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Yahoo! has basically ruined Geocities for me. I only use this space to host these tutorials and to keep my e-mail address everyone knows me by.

E-mail - in case you want to contact me.

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