Welcome to my attempt at a homepage. It may not be much, and I am sure that I will try my hardest to make something for me to be proud of.

As you may have noticed by looking up at the blue part at the top of the page, or if you happen to know me, my name is Tracy. I am 21 years old, and I live in Fresno, California. I have brown hair, as well as brown eyes, and I wear glasses, thanks to the fact that I am near sighted. I am too tall, (6 ft tall) and I don't think that you really need to know how much I weigh.

Okay, now onto other aspects of my life. On June 2, 1999 I graduated from Hoover High School. On May 24, 2002 I graduated from Fresno City College. Now I am attending Heald College, where I am taking Computer Business Administration. When I am not at school, you can either find me here at home, or out with my friends or the father of my baby girl. While here at home, I do many things. I read a lot, watch as much wrestling as I possibly can, get online of course, listen to music and take care of my baby girl. While out of the house, I can be found working at an antique store doing computer work or for CSUF working in the concession stands for either football or soccer, at the mall window shopping taking advantage of the free air conditioning or heating, or out doing who knows what.

Enough boring you by telling you about me. Maybe I told you more about me, then you ever wanted to know, but if you want to know more about me, you can email me and ask.

You can now do whatever you wish. You can leave my page if you wish, but you can also wander through my page if that is what you want. Have a nice day, or night as the case may be, depending on the time of day that you are looking at my page.

This many people were bored enough to visit my page.

Oh yes, before I forget, I have something else to request. If at all possible, after you finish looking at this page, could you please possibly sign my guest book. I would be ever so greatful to you.

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Links to other sites on my page

My Wrestling Page


My Sports Page

Want to see what I have in my fridge?

Want to see what I used to look like? **Warning, this picture may scare those who are weak at heart**

Last Updated December 19, 2002

© 1997 tracyhahn@hotmail.com

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