Hi everybody! Welcome to my den, it will continually be under constuction and upgrading, to give you a pleasant journey in my homepage.Please, do feel free to sign my guestbook and drop a line or two and let me know who has dropped in for a visit. Well, currently, I've added a new page called UPDATES.
It is a so called informative page bout what's happening to me in Medical Lab Science in NUH. And also , I hope to be able to scan in my pictures as soon as possible.One more BIG NEWS , I'll be adding this special feature known as THE GRAFFITI Board. Where you pple who can just drop me a line or if you feel bored, you can just write anything on it for fun!But on one condition: It musn't be anything offensive, no vulgarities, etc. Hope it will make you wondeful people even more at home. =)
Plz bear with me if you don't see much updating due to my commitments in school, church, friends. I'll try my best nevertheless.
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