Tere, NURMOYAHOME'i külastaja! Siit saad teada järgmisi asju:
* Kes ma sihuke olen?
* Mis seosed on mul muusikaga ?
* Mis koor on ESS ?
* Mida ma veel teen ja mõtlen? Sellest rubriigist leiad lehekülje "Unenägu kui huvitav film"!.
Tule aga peagi tagasi ja külasta mind jälle.
Hi! Welcome to NURMOYAHOME! There you will know the following:
* Who am I?
* What relations have I with (choral) music ?
* Why I call ESS my choir and what choir is this exactly?
* What I do and think?
Here are also some other links and the first may be interessant especially for them who expect visit Baltic States.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Links to other sites on the Web
Tallinna kodulehekülg * Website of Tallinn, capital of Estonia
Eesti Raadio * Estonian Radio
Estonia Seltsi Segakoor
Mixed Choir of Estonia Society
© 1997 j.nurmoja@tallinnlv.ee