The Only Alley in da world
where u WOULDN'T get mugged!!

whoof! whoof!
Hi this is Jan! =) Wow! Thanks
for dropping by! Nice meetin' u!
So take a look around. I know
this site is sorta cheesey but HEY i jus don't haf time to
work on it yet! Rite now i know it's pretty screwed, u'll
probably find a lot of dead links and stuff but trust me i'll
fix it over the summer! So remember to check back often! Be
sure to check out the FRIENDZ section, it's 'bout me and my
chums! =) One last thing, PLEASE sign the Guestbook! Incase
ur wondering y this site is called the ALLEY, well it's jus
cause it's like a common place u know, n i though the name
sounded pretty kewl!
Anyhow, i hope u'll
the site!! laterz! =D
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