This page contains explicit nude pictures of bagels and doughnuts and dismemberment of computer parts. It may cause queasiness or dizziness for less experienced viewers and will possibly cause you to black out. If raw breakfast foods or the organs of computers don't excite you, please do not proceed. By entering, you claim all responsibility for any damages or mental disorders caused by what is inside. Those of you who are pregnant or expecting pregnancy or are attempting to become pregnant or are attempting to get someone else pregnant may wish to turn back. Pregnant people are welcome.

This page was created and run initially on a super-high-powered IBM. Those of you who are using a Macintosh may experience technical difficulties and should stop now and try it on an IBM. We are NEVER responsible for any Mac crashes.

This page is best viewed with Netscape Navigator, on SuperVGA 19" monitors set to 800x600 resolution or greater.