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hello everbody- i'm tricia and this is my web site!
im new at this stuff, and still updating, so i'm sorry if my page isn't what it could be!
please feel free to look around!
My email:
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Web Page
neat page with message boards, info about CSFTS books, links, and lots more!
Sharon's Web Page
my sister's web page- info about her, college, and other stuff.
Stargirl19's Web Page
Do you like this pic? Then save it on your own computer please. Don't link it to my site!
like my picture? email me with comments!
I didn't write this, but a good friend of mine did. Enjoy~
My next door neighbor was neither a boy nor a girl,
My next door neighbor was neither black nor white,
My next door neighbor was a friend.
My next door neighbor shared secrets with me, and I with her,
My next door neighbor lived right next door.
My next door neighbor and I played games and had chats,
My next door neighbor share birthdays and holidays while growing up,
My next door neighbor came before anybody else.
My next door neighbor left,
My next door neighbor is gone,
My next door neighbor, I still love you.