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Where 2 go
The following is a table of contents for this web-site. Please be aware that some pages have pictures which may take some time loading. Be patient, it is worth it! ENJOY!

© A PrOdUcTiOn Of LaInDiA80 Inc.

U r ViSiToR sInCe 3/98

BrOuGhT 2 u In PaRt By

All of the pictures have been scanned or taken from magazines, posters or Lycos. All of the sounds have been re-recorded or taken from Lycos. The facts have been rewritten by Smpumpkin13 and Myself from facts published in magazines or from facts heard on Access Hollywood or Extra. Of course some things are copyrighted but NOTHING is in bad taste! I am just trying to give the public a few things that I feel is of importance. I hope u will all enjoy my site.


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