Great Tractor Welcome to FarmBoy's Homepage

Hello and welcome to my home page. I am glad that you are interested in ME. I find myself fascinating and never really can get enough of ME! To start with this page is here to help those who are not sure about ME to get to know ME a little better.

(1) I am a Farmer

(2) I like Farming

(3) I like the money I make Farming

I am not very complicated when you break it down like that am I? Some people may wonder why it is necessary to clutter up the Internet with a web page about ME...That is a good question. I farm with the rest of my clan in kern county and Bakersfield seems to be the biggest town there ie. I am from bakersfield..that way I don't have to describe where in the world lost hills, shafter or arvin are. ME and the clan farm about 10,000 acres right now that is subject to change every year more or less(probably more). I am very into computers have been messing with them since 1977. Which may indicate that I am really old and yes you would be right I am old. I am about 6'3" tall light brown hair and blue eyes and weigh plenty. Some might call me portly I would say I have a lot of soft muscle and if you must know I turn the scale at about 260 lbs. Yea Yea wipe the grin off your face I have heard them all.."Yes but if there where a famine you would live a lot longer then a skinny person" or "If your in an accident you have your own built in air bag" or "I would think your legs would rebel and just walk off and leave the rest of you behind" Ahhh Well in the immortal words of Timon and Pumba "Hakuna Matta"

If you are interest in what music I like and you must be since you have read this far. I like Beatles, Chicago, Seals & Croft, Styx, Rush, BTO, Kenny Rankin, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, some Alice Copper, ahhhh yes and the immortal Frank Zappa, Queen, switched on bach, Tim wiseberg, Kenny G, Canadian Brass, James Taylor, Billy Dean and Stan Freeburg. I am sure I have left someone out and I hope that I didn't offend them!

Did I mention that I like computers? Well I do I spend way to much time using and playing with them started out programing on an old apple II then {Bam} I was on a Compaq Presario 1694 Laptop, the in between years are not only boring but are for the most part just a blur. I was in the process of learning how to program in C++ but switched to Visual Basic, you might ask why? And that would be a very good question. I never took any classes for programing have picked up manuals and books then learned it from them.

So at this point you suspect that I must be about 40 yrs old...but are confused by the fact that I seem to have an adolescent personality, Well I have purposely refused to grow up, I simply will not mentally mature past about 20 yrs old! It has been a struggle to maintain this charade but amazingly nobody cares!

Now for the moment you have been waiting for yes here it is the picture that closed down a web site...The picture that the government said you have to have a disclaimer for.

I agree that the picture I am about to see I want to see totally of my on volition no one forced, coursed, or other wise tricked me into viewing the picture. I promise that I will not take any legal action against this web site or anyone affiliated with this web site. I promise that I will not use this picture to promote violence against anyone not the least of is the person depicted in the picture. The use of this picture to promote gang violence is strictly prohibited by state and federal laws sections 24.4.5 and sec. 36.6.15. I will not confuse my viewing of this picture with my hallucinations while on LSD. For your own protection you promise not to view this picture while drunk or high on any substance(only because it can cause great mental harm). If you can agree with these terms and any future terms I might feel like adding then click on your response.

I Agree

No I can't agree sorry I just can't go along with all of that junk sorry not for me!

If you feel you must e-mail me do it at Letter being sent electronically

If you know what ICQ is well then you know what you can do with this #11781635

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