WELL GUYS,(update 3/16/05) Guess I didnt spend as much time working on the page as I thought. Its been awhile. Been sick, had lots of ups and downs, but I am here. Thank God! The family has grown and changed so I have made some updates to those pages. Just ck stuff out...hope to hear from some of the old friends...miss u guys...click on the dancing bear to email me... (original)Let me introduce
myself, I am Maggie...I am 29 yrs old and live in San
Antonio, Texas which is where I have lived all of my
life w/the exception of about 5 yrs when I lived in
Las Vegas..I live in a mobile home and have done so
all my life(we own the mobile home park, its been n
our family for yrs). For those of u who know me
already, u know that the most important thing to me r
my family and friends...and probably would do
anything in the world for them... Another major
aspect of my life is I am diabetic..I would like to
think it doesnt exist, but it does, one thing I want
to do w/this page is to increase the knowledge of
this disease, and to stress the importance of
controlling it... Well as u can tell this page is
not done, not by a long shot, but I will be steadily
working on it until it is finished...w/my luck that
will be never...lol...well, let me shut up now so
that u can roam around here and see some of the sites
and meet my family and friends...if u have any
suggestions, pls email me and let me know...I
appreciate all help, as I am fairly new...love u
(update 4/25/02) Long time no talk...I have decided to update my Page. Its been awhile. I am back at the trailer park in San Antonio. Been back about a year now. I am going to school, and taking a computer course, I had to do a webpage and thought I would look at this one and see what could be salvaged...Just hang out and have a look...I think I will be updating this quite a bit now...Any old webbies from the WildHabit come by, Leave me a note so that I can find you guys...sure do miss the old chat...well, gotta get to class...take care!!
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