Christian's Page

Hello and welcome. My name is Christian. I graduated in May 2001 from The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia with a degree in accounting and a minor in history. I had an internship in the New York City area for a year until I started a job in Charlotte, North Carolina. I have now moved on and am currently getting my MBA at the Babcock Graduate School of Management at Wake Forest University . This page began as a computer science assignment, but I hope that I have added enough so that you can find something that interests you.

New page - Check out tons of pictures from my trip to Vienna, Prague, Budapest, and Bratislava. Click here.

This link is to a set of pages that was part of a history project. To view The Rice Pages, click here.This is a thorough history of the South Carolina rice plantations that flourished on the S.C. Coastline from colonial times until well after the Civil War.

Here is a link to another page done for an assignment, my tribute to Golden Retrievers.

Here's some other stuff that's somewhat entertaining...

My query page will give you link to search engines, stock quotes, and will give you some new mixed drinks to add to your collection. Click here to see it. To see my "Brewery" (yet another college assignment), click here. To see some of my favorite sights with all kinds of information, click here.

To see some reviews of this page, click here.

The weather for various cities to which I have some kind of connection...


If you have comments or suggestions, email me.

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