-~- A life with love may have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses -~-
My friend Jessica thinks this is me, PlayfulHeart!!
Hello! My name is Tess, and I am a graduate of North Carroll High School in Carroll County, Maryland.
I am freshman at
Washington College in Chestertown, MD.
A view of part of the campus of Washington College
For more information and photos, visit their website by clicking the picture.
Let's see now... about me... Well, I LOVE to act!! I want to go on Broadway one day,
ideally, but realistically, I would like to teach drama. I did a lot of plays in high schoolm and hope to continue that here at WAC.
I was also in an improv theater troupe called
FoolProof .
I am also cast in David Mamet's play "Oleanna" as Carol. It is my first college role, and it's a big one!
I also play the drums. I was the first female drummer for the North Carroll Ensemble.
They're a really talented group of singers and dancers from my high school!!
My friends are the most important people in my life, along with my family. There are
a couple pictures scattered around my page, but since I don't have a scanner, the ones I have
are all borrowed from my friend's pages. Go to my links section and visit them for more!
And finally, PLEASE sign my guestbook! One of my biggest pet peeves is when people visit my
page and don't sign my book! You don't have to leave your e-mail address or anything...
Just let me know who you are, where you're from, what you thought... Anything! I just
like to see the different people who come to visit my page!
Hey, I have a new message board for my page! Let's start something cool!
To see some of my poetry,
click here !!
Section Updated: 6/12/99
To see some of my favorite links,
click here!!
Section Updated: 2/5/99
And now for your entertainment and enlightenment...
My Homage to the Ever-So-Wonderful, Niftiful, Fabulously Fantastical Musical:
(click on the logo, silly!!)
This page was last updated on 9/12/99.
This is a picture of my friend Brian (the one in the Hard Rock Cafe shirt) and the
cast of 42nd Street. He looks funny in this picture, but a lot better/more
human in person!
Visit his page, "Bobaloo's Spastic Colon Fun Page"
And while we're on the subject of my friends, here's a wav file of my friend Jessica doing her "Audrey".
She was cast as Audrey in our school's production of "Little Shop of Horrors", It was my first real job
as assistant director. The show was a HUGE success, nearly selling out both nights!! Jessica, as "Audrey"!
Hey, look!! I won an award!!! =)
Go visit this link, maybe you can win one too!!
Hey, look! I won another award! This one is from someone I don't even know!! Thank you, Star!!
Click on my award to link to her page!