I made this website back in the day when I had way too much time on my hands, and haven't touched it in months. So I have decided, out of boredom, to update it. Right now it's just going to be boring, so deal with it. I hope to add a buncha junk including pictures and soccer and tennis stuff. That's just a hope though, and you don't always get what you hope for. Usually, you just find something else to concentrate on, which will probably be the case here.

My name is Courtney, I am graduating from high school in less than two weeks. Two weeks and I am out of here (a stupid little town in Virginia). I'm not really going to be out of the town, but I won't have to deal with most of the people, which are what makes the town so bad. I'm attending James Madison University in the fall and studying kinesiology there.

I honestly don't have time to deal with this right now, so sorry I distracted your attention for so long/short. Gotta go and do something productive, but I'll be back...eventually.

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