......I'm Tom Liebrich.And,...-this is .
This was me on one of my bad days....
'Wanna see me "LIVE" ?!?!?.....Well, then click HERE, for a "Quicktime" movie of me!..(Note- It will take about two to three minutes to load, before it'll be ready to play!):
My Grandfather owned a pharmacy when I was a toddler...
I'm still working on this,but I'll be doing a LOT here....So keep your eyes open!!!
People have been here so far......
Go see my SPECIAL friends : the most alluring, wonderful, and amazing women I believe to exist on the planet -The Australian women!!!!
Here's a pic from about 1978.....I was described as a "Kiss freak" back then... Later on,about 1981,I was in what would be described today as a "Kiss Tribute Band"......after they took off their make-up,I lost interest...
...Oh,by the way,I wore THIS costume on "50's Day",when everybody ELSE dressed up like "Fonzie".....
'Back then I had my walls plastered with Kiss posters and Star Trek stuff...
Go see if YOU are on my "Friends" page....-!!And if you're NOT,then send me a PIC!..( Click the colage here... )
Or,...In the mean time,go see my !!!!!
This is me and my cousin's kid,last year (before the haircut!!!)
This was me in 1981...

Here's my only "Prom photo"...

And this is from the mid-80's,when I was in Heavy Metal bands...
...Here are my Dad,HIS dad,and his DAD'S dad & MOM....
...My father with his grandparents.....
And,this is with my great grandfather...My middle name,"winson" has been handed down to the males of my family for generations...My grandfather was "Luther Winson"...THIS is "Peter Winson"....and of course,I'm "Thomas Winson"....
Go here to see a few more pics,and sign my guestbook!!!!
And.........-hey!!! Thanks for dropping BY,even if you're too busy to sign the book!!! 'Hope your day's a good 'un!! *laugh*
Email me at twl122662@hotmail.com or liebrich@bellsouth.net
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