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I have lived in alot of places.Ohio,Virginia,New York, Idaho, Florida and Charleston,South Carolina. Just to name some. I've also visited 42 out of 50 States. I love to travel. It's such a thrill to see new an exciting places that have a different history to them.

Anyways I guess that I could give alittle background to myself. My names Christina although I usually go by Stina. I have a 5 year old daughter named Kaylee, although it seems like yesterday she was just a baby. I'm currently living in the lower half of the 50 states and to tell ya the truth I'm not that fond of it. I have been working the same job for a year now, which is actually a record for me considering i get bored rather easily. I guess I must like the people that I work with or something to have stuck around for so long. It's actually not that bad of job. I'm working in the medical field just because it's very interesting. I've been going to school on and off for the last couple of years trying to finish up my RN degree. It's not so easy when you have to think about work, daycare, soccer practice, dance lessons and somewhere in there try to find alittle time to relax. It will all be worth it in the end though.

Well, my dreams in life have changed slightly. I use to want to join the Air Force but for all the wrong reasons. My other dream was to own a Dodge Stealth in metallic blue, tinted windows and of course fully loaded but the last time I went to Ohio my Dad's girlfriend had a white one and that pretty much killed off ever wanted to own one for myself. Drama... that is what my family is all about. My mother would be the Drama Queen. I called her that the other day and she got alittle ticked off at me hehe. Truth hurts I guess. Yeah, anyways I come from the product of a broken family. Although I know this may tick off some more people but I really wish it would of happened sooner. Life was not always a bowl full of peaches. Then again I suppose no one's life ever is. Whoever said Money is the root of all evil they were absolutly right. That's why I have no problems with being eternally broke.

Well here is alittle bit about my baby girl Kaylee. Although she insists that she is not a baby girl she's a big girl *sigh* She turned 5 on February 10th. It seems like yesterday I was giving her a bottle and walking the floor with her at night. She's gotten so big in the last couple years that I'm really starting to feel old. She starts kindergarden this year and I'm already dreading the first day of school when I know that I'm going to have to face the fact that my baby is now a little girl. She's always been pretty independant but I still try to hold fast to her staying my baby as long as possible. She's been pretty healthy lately which I'm greatful for. Her asthma hasn't flared up to bad this year and she hasn't had a seizure in over a year.

My mother on the other hand is a whole other story. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in June of 04 and it's been a battle ever since. It's been a pretty scary situation for myself not having to deal with anyone I knew of ever having cancer. That's such a scary word. I would of never imagined that it would happen to someone in my family but it kind of just hit home how real it was. It's rough on the patient but also on the family. I am always trying to make my mother see the brighter side of things when she gets depressed while trying to keep my own feelings shut in because of not wanting her to know how scared I myself really am. The thought of losing my mother is scary as crap to me because I know that I would probably be lost if it wasn't for her. I know that I have taken advantage of her by just always assuming that she would be there for me.

Today was the hardest day of my life so far. I had to bury my father today. I know we didn't always get along ok well hardly ever and we never seen eye to eye but I loved him very much. There was so much just left unsaid but I know he loved me and I loved him. I just wish I would of had more of an oppertunity to tell him. He took the cowards way out of life though and for that I am upset. I will always remember the good times with my dad and never the bad. The sad thing is I will never speak to my brother again for how he treated me after my father passed away. My brother seems to think he's the only child and is greedy and didn't even care about getting my father buried. He only cares about himself and no one else. For this I am sad. I might not of always gotten along with my father but he deserved respect. I'm just glad and kaylee and I got to see dad the day after his birthday this year. It meant alot to me and I will never forget dad coming over to me and telling me "You know I do love you and i always will." I love you dad and you will always be in my heart

Oh yeah I got the name Yankee Baby from my very good friend Donnie.. I might be in rebal country but will now and always be a yankee..

~my daughter~
~more pics of Kaylee~
~even more pics of Kaylee~
~Kaylee 2003~
~Kaylee 2003 cont.~
~My Poem~
~Poem 2~
~Poem 3~
Will now and forever be under construction :(

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